Exaltation_Exaltation 翻译







Exaltation_Exaltation 翻译














       No 星体名称 入庙 入庙 相害 相害 耀升 落陷

       1 太阳 狮子 水瓶 白羊 天秤

       2 月亮 巨蟹 摩羯 金牛 天蝎

       3 水星 双子 处女 射手 双鱼 水瓶 狮子

       4 金星 金牛 天秤 天蝎 白羊 双鱼 处女

       5 火星 白羊 天蝎 天秤 金牛 摩羯 巨蟹

       6 木星 射手 双鱼 双子 处女 巨蟹 摩羯

       7 土星 摩羯 水瓶 巨蟹 狮子 天秤 白羊

       8 天王 水瓶 狮子 天蝎 金牛

       9 海王 双鱼 处女 射手 双子

       10 冥王 天蝎 金牛 处女 双鱼
















       In recent years, with the rapid development of market economy, our country's engineering construction field has entered into a new stage of development, especially for infrastructure investment business state, the strengthening construction to enjoy unprecedented expanding.


       No matter the size of the engineering requirements or quantity requirement have rapid increase, for engineering construction for field is a challenge.


       At the same time, many architectural engineering quality problem also are exposed to the public, China's construction quality is likely to make people, many building products not withstand the test of time and the natural environment, appeared a lot of shoddy school project, project completion of the excellent rate basically keep in about a third, to the country and bring disastrous consequences.


       So to strengthen the management of construction engineering quality, conform to the trend of the development of The Times, to the state and the people's life and property, the harmonious development of the society has the great significance.


       Especially in recent years, frequent natural disasters, and led to many building quality problem become the focus of attention of the public opinion.


       As a professional construction of college, focused on the focus of public opinion at the same time, more is thinking how to improve and perfect, because, as people living standard rise, and architecture in their own process, technology, management of higher levels of quality control of construction projects, and improving quality of engineering level, it is very necessary.


       In recent years, with the rapid development of market economy, our country's engineering construction field has entered into a new stage of development, especially for infrastructure investment business state, the strengthening construction to enjoy unprecedented expanding.


       No matter the size of the engineering requirements or quantity requirement have rapid increase, for engineering construction for field is a challenge.


       At the same time, many architectural engineering quality problem also are exposed to the public, China's construction quality is likely to make people, many building products not withstand the test of time and the natural environment, appeared a lot of shoddy school project, project completion of the excellent rate basically keep in about a third, to the country and bring disastrous consequences.


       So to strengthen the management of construction engineering quality, conform to the trend of the development of The Times, to the state and the people's life and property, the harmonious development of the society has the great significance.


       Especially in recent years, frequent natural disasters, and led to many building quality problem become the focus of attention of the public opinion.


       As a professional construction of college, focused on the focus of public opinion at the same time, more is thinking how to improve and perfect, because, as people living standard rise, and architecture in their own process, technology, management of higher levels of quality control of construction projects, and improving quality of engineering level, it is very necessary.


       大家早上好 Everyone is early best

       天气晴朗,很凉爽,适合运动 Clear weather, very cool, suit sport

       今天是我做值日报告 Today is I do an on duty for the day report

       在这漫长的英语学习生活中,我现在学习虽然不大好,但我相信, 我在这学期会有所提高。Here the endless English study live medium, I study now although not very good, I believe, I will have an exaltation in this semester.

       在过去的暑假中,我几乎多只再放松,玩游戏,并不懂得珍惜时间,我觉得当时我是多么愚昧In the past summer vacation, I almost many relaxs again, playing games, don't know to cherish time, I feel at that time me am how ignorant

       在今后,我会努力学英语,相信我成绩会所提高,多看书,多看新闻,多出去走走At aftertime, I will make great effort to learn English, believing a my result club building of office exaltation, reading book more, read news more, go out to walk much


       I like to be a police, so I have to now such as effort, will do contribution for the society in the future.


       分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习
















        The corporate culture that builds up a kind of health is the key that attains the pany management target(namely"with exaltation value for manage basally").The pany values the employee's value in times gone by, the aggressive degree develops the employee's intelligent wisdom and ability, paying attention to initiate to take 3 As as the corporate culture of[with] topic, namely:


        Brave to face amphibology circumstances

        Full of frontier spirit

        Win by triumph by strategy in the petition


        Full of air of tension

        Work to be full of decision and confidence

        The encouragement is adventurous spirit


        Assurance explicit direction

        To work strict request, strive for to obtain good result

        Put forward and hear a feedback opinion


        emotion表情感,感情; 情绪的意思,那么你知道emotion的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理emotion的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!


        emotion, feeling, passion, affection, sentiment


        emotion : 普通用词,词义中性。泛指因外界刺激而引起思想情感从细微变化到最强烈的发作。

        feeling : 普通用词,含义广。多指具体的或内心的感受,或表露出来的强烈情感。

        passion : 指极强烈的感情、尤指愤怒、爱好等。也常指两性间的爱情。

        affection : 指对人的爱慕或深厚、温柔的感情。

        sentiment : 一般指由一种思想激起的感情,含较大的理智因素。


        one's better feelings

        1. 良知,良心



        1. A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement.


        2. Most of those attending the funeral stood silently showing little emotion.


        3. When we feel anger, we bury the emotion and feel guilty instead.


        4. Her voice breaking with emotion, she told him: "It doesn't seem fair".


        5. For just the second time a look of emotion creases his face.


        6. Happiness was an emotion that Reynolds was having to relearn.


        7. Displays of emotion are regarded with suspicion.


        8. Waves of emotion flowed across his huge face.


        9. True emotion ought not to require overstatement.


        10. The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion.


        11. the exaltation of emotion above logical reasoning


        12. a huge upswell of emotion


        13. They were caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.


        14. His voice wavered with emotion.


        15. She felt she was being dragged into a whirlpool of emotion.



        1. Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down.


        2. His wife wasn't feeling too well and she wanted to go home.


        3. McKay walked slowly toward this screen, feeling a growing tenseness.


        4. It's plain that he adores his daughter, and the feeling is mutual.


        5. Try to get a feeling for the people who live here.


        6. The music brought him a feeling of plenitude and freedom.


        7. Winter weather can leave you feeling fatigued and tired.


        8. Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press.


        9. Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable.


        10. There's been some bad feeling between the two families.


        11. Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that'sgoing on elsewhere.


        12. She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him.


        13. Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms.


        14. Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone.


        15. It was extremely hot and I was feeling rather randy.


        1. It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion.


        2. She needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration.


        3. His abiding passion was ocean racing, at which he scored many successes.


        4. Eventually passion was distilled into the natural beauty of a balmy night.


        5. There was a warmth and passion about him I never knew existed.


        6. They consummated their passion only after many hesitations and delays.


        7. Lyrics are written almost conversationally, yet sung with passion.


        8. The passion of Argentinian football fans knows no bounds.


        9. The novel seems to lack bite and tension?even passion.


        10. The one rhyme for passion is fashion.


        11. Passion kept us together.


        12. Her desire was closer to passion than love.


        13. Their ruling passion is that of carnal love.


        14. He has developed a consuming passion for chess.


        15. His other great passion was Italy.


        1. Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother.


        2. Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry.


        3. Right now I'm in need of a little filial affection.


        4. He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable integrity.


        5. She said goodbye to Hilda with a convincing show of affection.


        6. She felt a gush of pure affection for her mother.


        7. I remember this extraordinary man with particular affection for his unfailing cheerfulness.


        8. He was a boy who desperately needed affection.


        9. She thought of him with affection.


        10. I still have affection for my old school.


        11. A rush of pure affection swept over him.


        12. Mr Darcy's affection for his sister


        13. She had always had a sneaking affection for him.


        14. The handsome young man excited affection in a girl.


        15. He's so susceptible that she easily gained his affection.


        1. With the last sentiment, Arnold was in hearty agreement.


        2. Political life has been infected by growing nationalist sentiment.


        3. The coronation was an occasion for extravagant myth and sentiment.


        4. He's found growing sentiment for military action.


        5. The Foreign Secretary echoed this sentiment.


        6. Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.


        7. He has illustrated this sentiment thoroughly in a drama.


        8. His love had been woven of sentiment rather than passion.


        9. Should sentiment be controlled by reason?

        感情应受理智的控制 吗 ?

        10. Cloying speech or sentiment.


        11. I heartily subscribe to that sentiment.


        12. There is no time for sentiment.


        13. Petty - bourgeois sentiment should be done away with.


        14. This author runs to sentiment.


        15. We are often swayed by sentiment.


        在我睡觉之前,我喜欢听轻音乐,它可以帮助我放松,做一个好梦。我的母亲告诉我,在我出生之前,她就经常听轻音乐,所以我一定是受到她的影响。轻音乐是我最喜欢的音乐,它不仅经典,还在我心情不好时让我舒心。下面给大家分享一些音乐的影响 高一英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。

        音乐的影响高一 英语作文 1

        What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blues, and so on? In high school I took one course called music appreciation which I greatly enjoyed. This was not to learn how to play a specific instrument but to learn how to read and listen to music as an art form. We read the stories about the lives of many composers and the history of the musical instruments themselves. Sometimes we listened to tapes at the language laboratory, or concerts. Music is sometimes called a universal language. A composer who cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride, exaltation and despair, peace and mystery through his music.


        I have to say that music really has a strong attractiveness to me. Naturally, everyone can choose suitable music to listen to. However, when you find a kind of music which can bring happiness to you, you will be surprised and become excited. Music has a magical energy, and it can help people gain good mood in a great extent.

        When you feel sad, you can have a try to listen to soothing music. At first, soothing music will let you calm down. You will find that you will play much attention to the music, and then your sadness can be decreased. You will enter music ocean. You can experience a baptism of your heart. It does not matter that when you listen to soothing music and you want to cry, you should just follow yourself feeling to have a thorough release. Music will give you enough encourage to overcome difficulties.

        Music also can double your happiness and arouse the fighting. For instance, when you solve some very difficult situations and gain success eventually, you will have a great mood. At this time, exciting music will witness your success. You will feel satisfied. Music lets you remember the glorious moment and cherish your success. Music can give you unlimited motivation to achieve goals,because you still want to listen to glorious music.

        In addition, music includes a lot of useful knowledge. People can learn precious knowledge from music. Because there is different music, we can find out that different nations have different music thoughts to express. And from music, we can listen to music culture. Music culture will give you a deeper understanding to learn foreign culture, such as foreign language, foreign history and foreign traditional customs and so on. In a word, music has an important effect on promoting society development.

        Music indeed has a magical power to help people and society develop. I believe that music will still continue to bring us many surprises. As the development of society, great music will become more important.


        Almost everybody loves music, because music has its power. It can brings joy to people when they feel upset. As for me, when I am not happy, I will turn up the music in my bedroom, singing loudly and shaking my body. As I'm immersed in the music world, I will forget the annoyance and become active again. Music also brings me the happy memories. Some songs have special meaning for me. Whenever I hear them, the happy memories will appear in my mind. I feel life is such wonderful for me. Music is the most beautiful language in the world. It touches everybody's heart with beautiful rhythm.


        Music is the important part of my life. The world needs music to amuse people's life. As they live in the fast pace, music can bring them the great joy and relax. Since I was very small, I fell in love with music and every time when I heard music, my body would move and feel relaxed. The function of music is various.

        There is a famous song, which called let the music heal your soul. A lot of young people have their favorite singers. When they see their idols face to face, they would say thank you to the singers, because their songs inspire these young people to move on in the dark days. The songs deliver positive messages to the public and inspire them to never give up.

        Listening to the music is the main way for the young people to release their pressure. Every day before I sleep, I will listen to the light music, which helps me to take relax and make me sleep well. The reason why so many people like to KTV after their work lies in releasing pressure. They need to shout and then forget about the annoyance.

        Music is favored by everyone and it is the indispensable part of our life.


        Music is part of our life, nearly everybody will listen to the music, no matter what nation they are from. Music is divided into many types, such as the blues, the country music, the rock and roll. Once blues belonged to the black people, but as time went by, music is accepted by all classes. People always share the hottest songs together, just like they can communicate. Once in the foreign country, I had dinner in a restaurant, where there had the singers. People enjoyed the music when they were eating. At this moment, it was music that brought people together, and they share the same emotion.


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