




4.feeling supreme什么意思













       英 [?pr?pri?t , ?pr?prie?t]? 美 [?pro?pri?t , ?pro?prie?t]?





       第三人称单数: appropriates 现在分词: appropriating 过去式: appropriated 过去分词: appropriated

       派生词: appropriately adv.? appropriateness n.

       记忆技巧:ap 加强 + propri 拥有 + ate 使… → 强行拥有〔公物〕→ 挪用


       appropriate amount of pressure 适当分量的压力

       appropriate choice of words 恰当的措词

       appropriate clothes 合适的衣服

       appropriate extent 适当的程度

       appropriate manner and method 恰当的方式

       appropriate measure 恰当的措施

       appropriate method 恰当的方法

       appropriate place 恰当的场合

       appropriate preferential treatment 适当的照顾

       appropriate readjustments 适当的调整

       appropriate remarks 恰当的话







       1.Where 's the opportunity for emerson?


       2.Where is my Visual Merchandising Index?


       3.Where does senator obama stand?


       4.Where do you find time?


       5.Where does you blender go?


feeling supreme什么意思




       读, 阅读, 理解, 学习













       read[r?d], reads及物动词)

       To examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed characters, words, or sentences).


       To utter or render aloud (written or printed material):


       She read her poems to the students.


       To have the ability to examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed material in a given language or notation):


       reads Chinese; reads music.


       To examine and grasp the meaning of (language in a form other than written or printed characters, words, or sentences):


       reading Braille; reading sign language.


       To examine and grasp the meaning of (a graphic representation):


       reading a map.


       To discern and interpret the nature or significance of through close examination or sensitive observation:


       The tracker read the trail for signs of game.


       To discern or anticipate through examination or observation; descry:


       “I can read abandonment in a broken door or shattered window”(William H. Gass)


       To determine the intent or mood of:


       I can read your mind like a book. He's a hard person to read.


       To attribute a certain interpretation or meaning to:


       She read a different meaning into what he had said.


       To consider (something written or printed) as having a particular meaning or significance:


       I read the novel as a parable.


       To foretell or predict (the future).


       To receive or comprehend (a radio message, for example):


       I read you loud and clear.


       To study or make a study of:


       She read history as an undergraduate.


       To learn or get knowledge of from something written or printed:


       He read that interest rates would continue to rise.


       To proofread.


       To have or use as a preferred reading in a particular passage:


       For change read charge .

       charge 是 change 的误用

       To indicate, register, or show:


       The dial reads 32=.


       Computer Science To obtain information from a storage medium, such as a magnetic disk.

       计算机科学 读取资料:从例如磁盘等的储存器中取得信息


       To examine and grasp the meaning of printed or written characters, as of words or music.


       To speak aloud the words that one is reading:


       He reads to his children every night.


       To learn by reading:


       We read about the storm in the paper today.


       To study.


       To have a particular wording:


       Recite the poem exactly as it reads.


       To contain a specific meaning:


       As the law reads, the defendant is guilty.


       To indicate, register, or show a measurement or figure:


       How does your new watch read?


       To have a specified character or quality for the reader:


       His poems read well.


       n.Informal (名词)非正式用语

       Something that is read:


       “The book is a page-turner as well as a very satisfying read”(Frank Conroy)




       Informed by reading; learned:


       He was only sparsely read in fields outside his profession.


       read out

       To read aloud:


       Please read out the names on the list.


       read up

       To study or learn by reading:


       Read up on the places you plan to visit before you travel.


       read a lecture或

       read a lesson

       To issue a reprimand:


       Mother read us a lecture after the principal telephoned her.


       read between the lines

       To perceive or detect an obscure or unexpressed meaning:


       learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness.


       read out of

       To expel by proclamation from a social, political, or other group:


       He was read out of the secretariat after the embarrassing incident.


       Middle English reden

       中古英语 reden

       from Old English r?n [to advise] * see ar-

       源自 古英语 r?n [建议] *参见 ar-



       AHD:[r?d] George (1733-1798)




       American Revolutionary leader, politician, and jurist. Delaware's delegate to the Constitutional Convention (1787), he championed the rights of small states and later served as a U.S. senator (1789-1793).

       理德,乔治:(1733-1798) 美国政治家,革命领袖和律师。1787年作为特拉华代表参加制宪会议,他立志以为强调较小州争取更多的权利上,1789-1793年成为参议员



       AHD:[r?d] Sir Herbert (1893-1968)




       British writer known for his imagistic poetry and works of literary and art criticism.

       里德爵士,赫伯特:(1893-1968) 英国作家,以其意像派诗歌以及文学艺术评论而出名



       vt., vi.

       read, reading


       He read the newspaper.



       to read a map


       to read music


       I can read French but I can't speak it.


       You often have to read a novel between the lines to get the real meaning of the story.


       (常与aloud, out, off连用)朗读

       The chairman read out a prepared statement.


       The teacher asked the students to read the text aloud after class.



       to read about the murder



       John's reading history at Oxford.




       read between the lines





       a read of the paper



       a good read





       读, 阅读, 朗读

       看懂, 辨认, 觉察

       解释, 预言


       攻读, 学习

       标明, 记明, 写着, 读作, (仪表显示)读数是, (在雷达屏上)定出(飞机的位置)




       read a riddle


       read malice in sb.'s face


       He reads French, but doesn't speak it.

       他能看懂法语, 但不会讲。

       How do you read the sentence?


       He reads the news lately.

       他最近获悉这个消息。The poster reads “

       No smoking!”


       The edition reads“hurry”, not “harry.”

       这个版本印作 hurry, 不作harry。

       In the fifth line, read“hurry”for “harry”.




       读, 阅读, 朗读

       获悉(of, about)

       攻读, 学习

       (文章)内容是, 读起来

       read about the accident


       The full text reads as follows:...


       I wonder how the letter would read to her.




       [英]一段阅读时间; 阅读


       have a good read on the bus

       在汽 车上阅读了好大一阵子




       读入, 记录











       read aloud


       read as


       read back

       军复述; 再念

       read for


       read in [into]

       对...做某种解释(有时指曲解); (计算机)读入

       read of [about]

       读到, 阅悉

       read off

       宣读, 很快地读出; 读完

       read (oneself) in


       read out

       宣布开除; 朗诵; 宣读

       read sb. a lesson[lecture]


       read sb.'s mind [thoughts]

       看出某人的心思, 知道某人想些什么

       read through [over]


       read up

       攻读, 系统地研究(某一科目)


       中古英语reden 解释→读〈古英语r?dan 商议







       The?fear?of?blacks?with?guns?was?one?of the?reasons?behind?the?Supreme?Court's?notorious?decision?in?the Dred?Scott?case.最高法院在德雷德.斯科特(DredScott)案件中所做出的恶名昭彰的裁决,其幕后的众多原因之一便是惧怕配备枪支的黑人。

       Local?optimizing?algorithms?are?easy?to?fall into?the?local?supreme?value?on?the?medical?images?registration.


       Senator?Joe Lieberman,?in?introducing?me at my?confirmation?hearing,?said?I?was?the?"supreme?allied?commander?in?the?war?of?ideas.?"



