Armadillo 阿莫迪罗 售价_阿莫迪罗官网售价 _阿莫迪罗官网售价

       您好,很高兴能为您介绍一下Armadillo 阿莫迪罗 售价的相关问题。我希望我的回答能够给您带来一些启示和帮助。 this the way to armadillo 是什么歌

2.1000分!求高手帮忙脱壳啊!Armadillo 3.78 - 4.xx -> Silicon Realms Toolworks



5.Armadillo 3.78 - 4.xx -> Silicon Realms Toolworks [Overlay]

Armadillo 阿莫迪罗 售价_阿莫迪罗官网售价

is this the way to armadillo 是什么歌

       Tony Christie的

       Is This The Way To Amarillo



       Sha la la la la la

       When the day is dawning,

       On a Texas Sunday Morning

       How I long to be there

       With Marie whos waiting for me there

       Every lonely city

       Where i hang my hat

       Aint as half as pretty,

       As where my baby's at

       Is this the way to Amarillo?

       Every night ive been hugging my pillow

       Dreaming dreams of Amarillo

       And sweet Marie who waits for me

       Show me the way to Amarillo

       Ive been weeping like a willow

       Crying over Amarillo

       And sweet Marie who waits for me

       Sha la la la la la la

       And Marie who waits for me

       Theres a church bell ringing

       hear the song of joy that its singing

       For the sweet Maria

       And the guy whos coming to see her

       Just beyond the highway

       Theres an open plane and it keeps me going

       Through the wind and rain

       Is this the way to Amarillo?

       Every night ive been hugging my pillow

       Dreaming dreams of Amarillo

       And sweet Marie who waits for me

       Show me the way to Amarillo

       Ive been weeping like a willow

       Crying over Amarillo and sweet Marie who waits for me

       Sha la la la la la la

       And Marie who waits for me

       Sha la la la la la la

       And Marie who waits for me

1000分!求高手帮忙脱壳啊!Armadillo 3.78 - 4.xx -> Silicon Realms Toolworks

       armadillo 英[?ɑ:m?d?l?] 美[?ɑ:rm?d?lo?]

       n. <动>犰狳;

       [例句]I have never seen the armadillo.


       [其他] 复数:armadillos



       破解工具 PEID0.94、OD、ImportREC 1.6、LordPE

       脱壳过程 PEID 探测为 Armadillo 3.78 - 4.xx -> Silicon Realms Toolworks


       0050F000 Ea> 60 pushad

       0050F001 E8 00000000 call EasyDVDC.0050F006

       0050F006 5D pop ebp

       0050F007 50 push eax

       0050F008 51 push ecx

       0050F009 0FCA bswap edx

       0050F00B F7D2 not edx

       0050F00D 9C pushfd

       0050F00E F7D2 not edx

       0050F010 0FCA bswap edx

       0050F012 EB 0F jmp short EasyDVDC.0050F023

       0050F014 B9 EB0FB8EB mov ecx,EBB80FEB

       0050F019 07 pop es

       0050F01A B9 EB0F90EB mov ecx,EB900FEB

       0050F01F 08FD or ch,bh

       0050F021 EB 0B jmp short EasyDVDC.0050F02E

       0050F023 F2: prefix repne:

       0050F024 ^ EB F5 jmp short EasyDVDC.0050F01B

       0050F026 ^ EB F6 jmp short EasyDVDC.0050F01E

       0050F028 F2: prefix repne:

       0050F029 EB 08 jmp short EasyDVDC.0050F033

       0050F02B FD std

       0050F02C ^ EB E9 jmp short EasyDVDC.0050F017

       0050F02E F3: prefix rep:

       0050F02F ^ EB E4 jmp short EasyDVDC.0050F015

       0050F031 FC cld

       0050F032 - E9 9D0FC98B jmp 8C19FFD4

       0050F037 CA F7D1 retf 0D1F7


       找到 "EasyDVDConverter" 一栏-右键-查看名称,然后找到 "WriteProcessMemory"-右键-"在反汇编窗口中跟随导入函数"

       7C80220F ke> 8BFF mov edi,edi

       7C802211 55 push ebp

       7C802212 8BEC mov ebp,esp //在这里下断点

       7C802214 51 push ecx

       7C802215 51 push ecx

       7C802216 8B45 0C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]

       7C802219 53 push ebx

       7C80221A 8B5D 14 mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+14]

       7C80221D 56 push esi

       7C80221E 8B35 B812807C mov esi,dword ptr ds:[<&ntdll.NtPr>; ntdll.ZwProtectVirtualMemory

       7C802224 57 push edi

       7C802225 8B7D 08 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]

       7C802228 8945 F8 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-8],eax

       7C80222B 8D45 14 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+14]

       7C80222E 50 push eax

       7C80222F 6A 40 push 40

       在 7C802211 处F2下断后,shift+f9运行程序~~ 然后alt+f9返回


       004EE8A5 /70 07 jo short EasyDVDC.004EE8AE

       004EE8A7 |7C 03 jl short EasyDVDC.004EE8AC

       004EE8A9 |EB 05 jmp short EasyDVDC.004EE8B0

       004EE8AB |E8 74FBEBF9 call FA3AE424

       004EE8B0 EB 5F jmp short EasyDVDC.004EE911

       004EE8B2 8D55 FC lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]

       004EE8B5 52 push edx

       004EE8B6 6A 02 push 2

       004EE8B8 68 345E5200 push EasyDVDC.00525E34

       004EE8BD 8B45 10 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]

       004EE8C0 50 push eax

       004EE8C1 8B4D 08 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]

       004EE8C4 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]

       004EE8C6 52 push edx

       004EE8C7 FF15 10F15100 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.Writ>; kernel32.WriteProcessMemory

       004EE8CD 50 push eax

       004EE8CE F7D0 not eax



       004EE8A5 . /70 07 jo short EasyDVDC.004EE8AE

       004EE8A7 . |7C 03 jl short EasyDVDC.004EE8AC

       004EE8A9 > |EB 05 jmp short EasyDVDC.004EE8B0

       004EE8AB |E8 db E8

       004EE8AC >^|74 FB je short EasyDVDC.004EE8A9

       004EE8AE >^\EB F9 jmp short EasyDVDC.004EE8A9

       004EE8B0 > EB 5F jmp short EasyDVDC.004EE911

       004EE8B2 > 8D55 FC lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]

       004EE8B5 . 52 push edx ; /pBytesWritten

       004EE8B6 . 6A 02 push 2 ; |BytesToWrite = 2

       004EE8B8 . 68 345E5200 push EasyDVDC.00525E34 ; |Buffer = EasyDVDC.00525E34 //★★就是这里了,


       004EE8BD . 8B45 10 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+10] ; |

       004EE8C0 . 50 push eax ; |Address

       004EE8C1 . 8B4D 08 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8] ; |

       004EE8C4 . 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx] ; |

       004EE8C6 . 52 push edx ; |hProcess

       004EE8C7 . FF15 10F15100 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.Writ>; \WriteProcessMemory

       004EE8CD . 50 push eax

       004EE8CE . F7D0 not eax


       00525E34 60 E8 00 00 00 00 00 00 `?..... //★把这里"60 E8" 改为 "EB FE"

       00525E3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........


       7C802212 8BEC mov ebp,esp //在这里取消断点

       7C802214 51 push ecx

       7C802215 51 push ecx

       7C802216 8B45 0C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]

       7C802219 53 push ebx

       7C80221A 8B5D 14 mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+14]

       7C80221D 56 push esi

       7C80221E 8B35 B812807C mov esi,dword ptr ds:[<&ntdll.NtPr>; ntdll.ZwProtectVirtualMemory

       7C802224 57 push edi

       7C802225 8B7D 08 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]

       然后再按一次F9,ok~~ 现在命令行下断 bp WaitForDebugEvent 应该立即中断在这个API上:

       7C85A268 ke> 8BFF mov edi,edi //中断在此~

       7C85A26A 55 push ebp

       7C85A26B 8BEC mov ebp,esp

       7C85A26D 83EC 68 sub esp,68

       7C85A270 56 push esi

       7C85A271 FF75 0C push dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]

       7C85A274 8D45 F8 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]

       7C85A277 50 push eax

       7C85A278 E8 F381FAFF call kernel32.7C802470


       004EA3DF . 85C0 test eax,eax //返回到这里

       004EA3E1 . 0F84 2B270000 je EasyDVDC.004ECB12

       004EA3E7 . 8B85 FCFDFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-204]

       004EA3ED . 25 FF000000 and eax,0FF

       好了,现在我们来查看子进程的ID "文件"-"附加" 现在你应该看到了2个名称为EasyDVDConverter的东西,一个红色的,一个黑色的

       未命名的窗口,项目 23

       进程=000009B8 //父进程ID 这里每次都是不同的哦~~~~ 如现在是3C8了~~ 嘿嘿


       路径=C:\Program Files\EasyDVDConverter\EasyDVDConverter.exe //这里红色显示

       未命名的窗口,项目 25

       进程=00000C44 //子进程ID,记住这个C44 ★★ 这里每次都是不同的哦~~~~ ★★ 现在是CF8


       路径=C:\Program Files\EasyDVDConverter\EasyDVDConverter.exe //这里黑色显示

       得到以上信息之后.我们就来改代码,分离子进程~ 改成如下的样子:

       004EA3DF 68 440C0000 push 0C44

       004EA3E4 E8 A8FF367C Call DebugActiveProcessStop

       004EA3E9 90 nop

       004EA3EA 90 nop

       004EA3EB 90 nop

       004EA3EC 90 nop


       至此 子.父进程已没有任何联系~

       打开另外一个OD-"文件"-"附加"-子进程ID 来到这里:

       7C921231 C3 retn //停在这里

       7C921232 8BFF mov edi,edi

       7C921234 90 nop

       7C921235 90 nop

       7C921236 90 nop

       7C921237 90 nop

       7C921238 90 nop

       7C921239 nt> CC int3


       0050F000 Ea>- EB FE jmp short EasyDVDC.<模块入口点>

       0050F002 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al

       0050F004 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al

       0050F006 5D pop ebp

       记得前面我们 将 "60 E8" 改成了 "EB FE" 现在我们要将之改回来 "EB FE" - "60 E8" (在0050F000 这行上点右键-"二进制"-"编辑")


       0050F000 Ea> 60 pushad

       0050F001 E8 00000000 call EasyDVDC.0050F006

       现在 shfif+F9运行程序,只到出现Nag窗口

       命令行下断 bp CreateThread ,然后点击 "OK"


       7C81082F ke> 8BFF mov edi,edi

       7C810831 55 push ebp

       7C810832 8BEC mov ebp,esp

       7C810834 FF75 1C push dword ptr ss:[ebp+1C]

       7C810837 FF75 18 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+18]

       7C81083A FF75 14 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+14]

       7C81083D FF75 10 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]

       7C810840 FF75 0C push dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]

       7C810843 FF75 08 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]

       7C810846 6A FF push -1

       7C810848 E8 D9FDFFFF call kernel32.CreateRemoteThread

       7C81084D 5D pop ebp

       7C81084E C2 1800 retn 18

       按ctrl+f9 和 f7 来到:

       00BEA9F2 5F pop edi

       00BEA9F3 5E pop esi

       00BEA9F4 C9 leave

       00BEA9F5 C3 retn

       继续ctrl+f9 和 f7 来到:

       00BFC743 59 pop ecx ; kernel32.7C8107FD

       00BFC744 BF 10B3C000 mov edi,0C0B310

       00BFC749 8BCF mov ecx,edi

       00BFC74B E8 05B9FDFF call 00BD8055

       00BFC750 84C0 test al,al

       00BFC752 75 09 jnz short 00BFC75D

       现在重要了~~~~ 注意了!!!

       拖动滚动条,向下面找第二个call ecx然后下断 (当然你不肯定的时候,可以将2个call ecx 都下断):

       00BFC7B5 3350 1C xor edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+1C]

       00BFC7B8 2BCA sub ecx,edx

       00BFC7BA FFD1 call ecx //★★这里F2下断★★


       00401C08 68 6CBA4300 push EasyDVDC.0043BA6C //Year! Oep~~~~

       00401C0D E8 F0FFFFFF call EasyDVDC.00401C02

       00401C12 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al

       00401C14 50 push eax

       00401C15 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al

       00401C17 0030 add byte ptr ds:[eax],dh

       00401C19 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al

       打开 lordPE 选中子进程-右键-"完整转存" 保存为dumped.exe

       运行 Import REC 选中子进程-OEP:00001C08 - "IAT AutoSearch" CUT无效指针~~

       修复文件~~ ok 试运行程序 晕,提示未找到 "ArmAccess.dll" (这个是arm壳中自带的) 我们复制一个放到程序中运行,看看~~


       PEID探测-- Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 / 6.0



Armadillo 3.78 - 4.xx -> Silicon Realms Toolworks [Overlay]



       Armadillo 3.78 - 4.xx 是一种 加密方式 也就是 壳程序 下面来源于网上 ------------------------------------- v加密保护:Armadillo V4.2 -> Silicon Realms Toolworks 调试环境:WinXP、PEiD、ODbyDYK v1.10、LordPE、等 脱壳过程:OD载入程序,老规矩插件隐藏OD,忽略所有异常,再添加以下几个异常C0000005(ACCESS VIOLATION)、C000 001D(ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION)、C000001E(INVALID LOCK SEQUENCE)、C0000096(PRIVILEGED INSTRUCTION) 入口代码: 0105A000 N> 60 pushad 0105A001 E8 00000000 call NOTEPAD.0105A006 0105A006 5D pop ebp 0105A007 50 push eax 0105A008 51 push ecx 0105A009 0FCA bswap edx 0105A00B F7D2 not edx 0105A00D 9C pushfd 下bp OpenMutexA断点shift+F9运行, 77E62391 k> 55 push ebp---------中断在这里 77E62392 8BEC mov ebp,esp 77E62394 51 push ecx 77E62395 51 push ecx 77E62396 837D 10 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp+10],0 77E6239A 56 push esi 77E6239B 0F84 C2E30100 je kernel32.77E80763 77E623A1 64:A1 18000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[18] 看堆栈 0006F710 0103229B /CALL 到 OpenMutexA 来自 NOTEPAD.01032295 0006F714 001F0001 |Access = 1F0001 0006F718 00000000 |Inheritable = FALSE 0006F71C 0006FDA0 \MutexName = "52C:A9EEE0AC4"------注意0006fda0,等下会用到 0006F720 00000004 0006F724 00000000 0006F728 010476B3 NOTEPAD.010476B3 Ctrl+G 01001000 键入以下代码: 为什么是Ctrl+G 01001000呢?很多教程里都是Ctrl+G 401000,在本例Ctrl+G 401000是无法写入调式 程序中的,而且401000处有代码(大家可以试一试),那么如何知道是用Ctrl+G 01001000的呢?个人认 为是根据载入口的代码来确定的,形式是入口代码地址的前3位+01000,如本例中的入口代码是: 0105A000 N> 60 pushad,取其地址中的前3位010,再加上01000,合起来就是01001000。这样一来 许多教程中的Ctrl+G 401000是入口代码地址为004xxxxx的形式,401000属于取其地址中的前3位010,再 加上01000中入口代码前3位为004的一个特例。 01001000 60 pushad 0100

       好了,今天关于“Armadillo 阿莫迪罗 售价”的话题就到这里了。希望大家通过我的介绍对“Armadillo 阿莫迪罗 售价”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。