radio shuttle

       现在,请允许我来为大家解答一些关于radio shuttle的问题,希望我的回答能够给大家带来一些启示。关于radio shuttle的讨论,我们开始吧。 shuttle



4.The stone hit the old man on the head

radio shuttle

radio shuttle

       The moon origin mystery: for lunar origins, scientists put forward three kinds of theories: capture said, homology and earth divided them all defective, said, but the Apollo would help proof, which seem least likely theory is the best theory. Some scientists think, the moon is with earth in 46 billion years ago, from a group of cosmic dust generator. Another theory is that the moon is the earth's "children", is perhaps the Pacific "dig" out. However Apollo moon exploration results show that the earth and the moon the composition of the difference is very big, some scientists have proposed another hypothesis, namely "captured". They think that the moon is accidentally broke into gravitational field, and be locked in the present orbit. However, it is theoretically explain the process mechanism, is extremely difficult. Therefore, the above three theory all difficult to hold water. As robin hallam especially by dr said: "to explain the moon does not exist, than to explain the moon exist easier."

       The moon age riddle: what is amazing is that the rock samples from the moon back, via analysis found that about 99 percent age than earth 90% oldest rocks more older. Armstrong in "quiet sea" after landing picked up the first piece of rock's age is 36 billion years old. Some other rock age 4.3 billion years old, 4.6 billion years old and 45 billion years old — — it almost and earth and solar system itself, the earth is as old as the oldest rocks is 37 billion years old. In 1973, the world symposium on the moon was a age determination for 53 billion years old of moon rocks. Is more surprising is that these ancient rocks are collected from scientists believe to be the youngest area on the moon. In light of the evidence, some scientists propose that the moon on earth formed before long was established in interstellar space formed.

       The lunar soil years older than rock greater mystery: the moon ancient rock has made scientists helpless, however, and these rocks, compared to the surrounding soil rock is young. According to the analysis, soil age at least 10 years than rock. At first glance, sounds, this is impossible because scientists think these soils are rock after smashing formation. But, determination of rock and soil chemical composition, the scientists found that, after the soil and rock is irrelevant, seem to come from elsewhere.

       When a massive object when the moon, the moon hit send hollow balls like voice mystery: in Apollo exploration process, abandoned the rockets third quarter thrusters will boom the bump on the surface of the moon. According to NASA document records, "each such noise, sounds like a big the sound of the bell". When the moon landing in color special personnel black plains, they found on the surface of the moon drilling very difficult. Soil sample by analysis found that, which contains a large number of rare earth metal titanium (it was used in the supersonic jet and spacecraft on); Others, such as zirconium, hard metal iridium, beryllium content is also very rich. This makes scientists puzzled, because these metal only in high temperature — — about 45 degrees Fahrenheit, will and surrounding rock as a whole.

       Stainless iron mystery: lunar surface rock sample still contain among them pure iron granules, scientists think they are not from meteorites. The former Soviet union and American scientists has found a more strange phenomenon: these pure iron granules on earth put seven years is not rust. In the scientific world, didn't rusty pure iron is unheard of.

       The moon radioactive mystery: the moon in thickness of eight miles surface is radioactive, this also is a astonishing phenomenon. When "Apollo 15th" astronauts using temperature timing, they found reading extraordinarily high, which suggests that Italy plain nearby heat flux indeed temperature is very high. A scientist exclaimed, "oh god, this land will soon melted! The moon's core must be more hot." However, is it surprising is that month heart temperature is not high. The heat from the surface of the moon of radioactive substances emit, but these radioactive substances (uranium and plutonium, thallium) and where do you come from? If they are from the heart, so how could they on to the surface of the moon?

       Dry on the moon is large hydrosphere mystery: the first few times that the moon, the moon is a dry celestial bodies. A scientist had assert that it than the gobi desert dry 100 million times. Apollo missions of the first few times are not on the surface of the moon found any water trace. But "Apollo 15th" scientists has detected the surface of the moon is one place 100 square miles of water gas. Scientists red face argue that this is the American astronaut waste in the moon two small tank leakage causes. But such small tank can produce such a large hydrosphere? Of course this is not astronauts — — it directly spray urine to the moon in the sky. It seems that these moisture from the moon internal.

       The surface of the moon is glass shape puzzle: Apollo astronauts discovered many places, the surface of the moon is covered with glass shape material, which suggests that the surface of the moon appears to be burning fiery fireball. As one scientist has pointed out, "the moon with glass." Expert analysis proof, this layer of glass of substance is not huge meteoritic impact generated, some scientists believe that, this is the explosion of the sun — — some miniature nova state — — consequences.

       The moon of the magnetic field mystery: early detection and studies show that the moon, but almost no magnetic field of moon rocks analysis has proved it had strong magnetic field. This phenomenon makes scientists dumbfounded Paul jester doctor declared: "here is very strange magnetic rock... is quite beyond our expectation." If the moon had magnetic field, it should have an iron core, but of reliable evidence shows that the moon may not have such a core, And the moon will not possible from other objects (such as earth) obtain magnetic field, because if it is indeed the case, then it must be very close from earth, then it will be gravity ripped to pieces.

       The moon internal mysterious "material aggregation point" mystery: 1968, flying around the moon, the moon probe the first to show the below the surface exist "material gathered structures". When the spacecraft flying over these structures over, due to their great gravity, shuttle flight will slightly below the prescribed orbit, but when the ship leave these structures clouds, it will speeding slightly, it clearly shows that the material gathered structure exists, and their great quality. Scientists think, these structures is like a bull 's-eye, by heavy elements constitute, hidden in the surface of the moon "hai" below. As one scientist has said: "it seems that who also don't know how to deal with them."


       歌曲名:Trouble (Radio Edit)

       歌手:Heather Bright&Justin Michael & Kemal


       oh oh were in trouble

       somethings come along and its burst our bubble

       yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble

       gotta make a dash for the cash on the double


       oh no no

       the party was great yeah we were really thrilled

       but the bad man came and were gonna get killed

       we got some style but we got no money

       now the jokes on us and it aint f f funny...

       oh oh were in trouble

       somethings come along and its burst our bubble

       yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble

       were deep in do do and we dont have a shovel

       we couldnt get a cab cuz we aint got no money

       we missed the last train but we thought dont worry

       wed get the night bus but the night bus never came

       were 8 miles from home and its starting to icky icky icky

       oh oh were in trouble

       somethings come along and its burst our bubble

       yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble

       book us a ticket on the next plane shuttle

       we tried to steal a car but we soon realised

       we got on the road but non of us could drive

       the policeman came along and they took us for a ride

       and when we get home were gonna get... gonna get... gonna get fried!

       oh oh were in trouble

       somethings come along and its burst our bubble

       yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble

       we gotta make a dash for the cash on the double

       oh oh

       what u lukin at!!!!!

       oh oh were in trouble

       somethnigs come along and its burst our bubble

       yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble

       were deep in do do and we dont have a shovel


       in trouble....

       oh no no!!


       in trouble...

       its st trinians


       in trouble....

       what you lookin at!!!


       in trouble....




       On Sunday, several hundred engineers and scientists will gather at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and await the end of the Galileo spacecraft in a suicide plunge into Jupiter''s dense atmosphere.


       They are the kind of professionals who try to resist anthropomorphizing their machines, even one like Galileo, which has been a longtime companion in their lives and careers. But they freely concede that they will be there at the end as an act of homage.


       "It will be the equivalent of a wake," said Dr. Claudia Alexander, manager of the project.

       “它将是一个有意义的轨迹”,这个项目负责人Claudia Alexander博士评论道。

       Few flight teams have had to contend with a spacecraft more demanding of their attention and ingenuity.


       Launched in 1989 after a long delay caused by the loss of the space shuttle Challenger in 1986, Galileo took six years going to Jupiter, almost half a billion miles away, by a circuitous route dictated by the limited power of its initial rocket boost.


       From then on, the three-ton spacecraft was tormented by as many afflictions as poor Job.


       The main antenna, the one that scientists counted on for the return of pictures and data of Jupiter and its four largest moons, failed to unfurl. Engineers had to rely on a smaller antenna and an improvised system of data shorthand.


       Galileo was further hobbled by an erratic tape recorder. After the craft began orbiting Jupiter in 1995, repeated zappings from the planet''s intense radiation belts damaged other instruments.


       In nearly all cases, engineers managed to reprogram software to overcome or work around the setbacks. As recently as last November, in its last encounter with a Jovian moon, tiny Amalthea, the spacecraft "got hammered again by radiation," Dr. Alexander said.

       在所有的情况中,工程师们试图重新编写软件以克服遇到的挫折。去年十一月份,在它的最后一次与木星的卫星木卫五相遇时, “飞船又被辐射给破坏了,” Alexander博士说。

       The spacecraft''s fault-detection system came to the rescue once again, turning off nearly all operations and saving the science data from the encounter.


       But the tape recorder was left stuck. Flight controllers applied electrical current to the recorder, on and off and on again, repeatedly, until the molecular structure was altered enough to unstick the recorder for transmitting data.


       "Miracles continued to happen on this mission," Dr. Alexander said.

       “奇迹再度发生,”Claudia Alexander博士说。

       Indeed, in spite of everything, scientists rate Galileo as one of the most successful missions of planetary exploration. Galileo''s eight-year orbit of Jupiter included several close encounters of each of Jupiter''s major satellites, Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa. No two were found to be anything alike.

       确实,尽管发生了种种事故,科学家认为伽利略号是行星探索任务中最成功的一次。在伽利略号围绕着木星的八年的轨道上,它与木星的几颗主要的卫星有过好几次近距离接触,比如Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa。它们中没有任何两个是相同的。

       Ganymede is not only the largest moon in the solar system, but it is also larger than Mercury and Pluto. Galileo discovered that Ganymede had a strong magnetic field, "something no one thought a moon would have," said Dr. Rosaly Lopes-Gautier, a member of the project''s science team.

       Ganymede在太阳系中不是最大的卫星,但他要比Mercury 和冥王星大多了。伽利略号发现Ganymede还有强磁场。“这是从来没有任何人都想到卫星会有磁场,”小组的一个项目负责人Rosaly Lopes-Gautier博士说。

       Icy Callisto appears to be the most heavily cratered object in the solar system. Io is bubbling with erupting volcanoes, 152 by Dr. Lopes-Gautier''s latest count. The phenomenon was discovered on previous flybys by Voyager spacecraft, but Galileo determined how plentiful and persistent the eruptions are. The lava flows are hotter than anything seen on Earth in two billion years.

       冰冻的木卫四看上去像是太阳系中表面坑洞最多的一个星体。Io的火山正在爆发。据Rosaly Lopes-Gautier 博士最近的统计,至少有152个。这个现象早先就被经过的航行者号发现过,但伽利略号却更详细地展示了这些爆发是多么的壮观和持久。四处流淌的熔浆比地球在近二十亿年间的任何东西都要热。

       Europa has given scientists the most reason to celebrate and speculate. In Galileo''s eight flybys, the appearance of Europa''s frozen crust suggested that it covered an immense ocean. And where there is so much liquid water, could there also be some forms of life?


       That discovery sealed Galileo''s ultimate fate. If the spacecraft, after running out of maneuvering fuel, should crash into Europa, it might contaminate that moon with stowaway microbes from Earth and confound future searchers for indigenous life. So the decision was made to vaporize the spacecraft by putting it on a collision course with Jupiter.


       "The course is unalterable," Dr. Alexander said. "The last fuel was expended several months ago, to make sure we hit the planet."


       Tracking data show that the craft, traveling 30 miles a second toward the end, will crash into Jupiter on its night side. At 12:50 p.m., Pacific time, the old Galileo hands in Pasadena, hearing no radio signal, will know that their spacecraft is no more.

       飞船的轨道数据显示了它以每秒3 0英里的速度撞入木星的黑面。在太平洋时间凌晨0:50分,岁月苍苍的伽利略号将失去讯号。此时,它已经坠毁了。

The stone hit the old man on the head

       Imaging Radar is an imaging radar works very like a flash camera in that it provides its own light to illuminate an area on the ground and take a snapshot picture, but at radio wavelengths. A flash camera sends out a pulse of light (the flash) and records on film the light that is reflected back at it through the camera lens. Instead of a camera lens and film, a radar uses an antenna and digital computer tapes to record its images. In a radar image, one can see only the light that was reflected back towards the radar antenna.

       A typical radar (RAdio Detection and Ranging) measures the strength and round-trip time of the microwave signals that are emitted by a radar antenna and reflected off a distant surface or object. The radar antenna alternately transmits and receives pulses at particular microwave wavelengths (in the range 1 cm to 1 m, which corresponds to a frequency range of about 300 MHz to 30 GHz) and polarizations (waves polarized in a single vertical or horizontal plane). For an imaging radar system, about 1500 high- power pulses per second are transmitted toward the target or imaging area, with each pulse having a pulse duration (pulse width) of typically 10-50 microseconds (us). The pulse normally covers a small band of frequencies, centered on the frequency selected for the radar. Typical bandwidths for an imaging radar are in the range 10 to 200 MHz. At the Earth's surface, the energy in the radar pulse is scattered in all directions, with some reflected back toward the antenna. Thisbackscatter returns to the radar as a weaker radar echo and is received by the antenna in a specific polarization (horizontal or vertical, not necessarily the same as the transmitted pulse). These echoes are converted to digital data and passed to a data recorder for later processing and display as an image. Given that the radar pulse travels at the speed of light, it is relatively straightforward to use the measured time for the roundtrip of a particular pulse to calculate the distance or range to the reflecting object. The chosen pulse bandwidth determines the resolution in the range (cross-track) direction. Higher bandwidth means finer resolution in this dimension.

       Radar transmits a pulse Measures reflected echo (backscatter )

       Click Here to See Animation

       In the case of imaging radar, the radar moves along a flight path and the area illuminated by the radar, or footprint, is moved along the surface in a swath, building the image as it does so.

       Building up a radar image using the motion of the platform

       The length of the radar antenna determines the resolution in the azimuth (along-track) direction of the image: the longer the antenna, the finer the resolution in this dimension. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) refers to a technique used to synthesize a very long antenna by combining signals (echoes) received by the radar as it moves along its flight track. Aperture means the opening used to collect the reflected energy that is used to form an image. In the case of a camera, this would be the shutter opening; for radar it is the antenna. A synthetic aperture is constructed by moving a real aperture or antenna through a series of positions along the flight track.

       Constructing a Synthetic Aperture

       As the radar moves, a pulse is transmitted at each position; the return echoes pass through the receiver and are recorded in an 'echo store.' Because the radar is moving relative to the ground, the returned echoes are Doppler-shifted (negatively as the radar approaches a target; positively as it moves away). Comparing the Doppler-shifted frequencies to a reference frequency allows many returned signals to be "focused" on a single point, effectively increasing the length of the antenna that is imaging that particular point. This focusing operation, commonly known as SAR processing, is now done digitally on fast computer systems. The trick in SAR processing is to correctly match the variation in Doppler frequency for each point in the image: this requires very precise knowledge of the relative motion between the platform and the imaged objects (which is the cause of the Doppler variation in the first place).

       Synthetic aperture radar is now a mature technique used to generate radar images in which fine detail can be resolved. SARs provide unique capabilities as an imaging tool. Because they provide their own illumination (the radar pulses), they can image at any time of day or night, regardless of sun illumination. And because the radar wavelengths are much longer than those of visible or infrared light, SARs can also "see" through cloudy and dusty conditions that visible and infrared instruments cannot.

       What is a radar image?

       Radar images are composed of many dots, or picture elements. Each pixel (picture element) in the radar image represents the radar backscatter for that area on the ground: darker areas in the image represent low backscatter, brighter areas represent high backscatter. Bright features mean that a large fraction of the radar energy was reflected back to the radar, while dark features imply that very little energy was reflected. Backscatter for a target area at a particular wavelength will vary for a variety of conditions: size of the scatterers in the target area, moisture content of the target area, polarization of the pulses, and observation angles. Backscatter will also differ when different wavelengths are used.

       Scientists measure backscatter, also known as radar cross section, in units of area (such as square meters). The backscatter is often related to the size of an object, with objects approximately the size of the wavelength (or larger) appearing bright (i.e. rough) and objects smaller than the wavelength appearing dark (i.e. smooth). Radar scientists typically use a measure of backscatter called normalized radar cross section, which is independent of the image resolution or pixel size. Normalized radar cross section (sigma0.) is measured in decibels (dB). Typical values of sigma0. for natural surfaces range from +5dB (very bright) to -40dB (very dark).

       A useful rule-of-thumb in analyzing radar images is that the higher or brighter the backscatter on the image, the rougher the surface being imaged. Flat surfaces that reflect little or no microwave energy back towards the radar will always appear dark in radar images. Vegetation is usually moderately rough on the scale of most radar wavelengths and appears as grey or light grey in a radar image. Surfaces inclined towards the radar will have a stronger backscatter than surfaces which slope away from the radar and will tend to appear brighter in a radar image. Some areas not illuminated by the radar, like the back slope of mountains, are in shadow, and will appear dark. When city streets or buildings are lined up in such a way that the incoming radar pulses are able to bounce off the streets and then bounce again off the buildings (called a double- bounce) and directly back towards the radar they appear very bright (white) in radar images. Roads and freeways are flat surfaces so appear dark. Buildings which do not line up so that the radar pulses are reflected straight back will appear light grey, like very rough surfaces.

       Imaging different types of surface with radar

       Backscatter is also sensitive to the target's electrical properties, including water content. Wetter objects will appear bright, and drier targets will appear dark. The exception to this is a smooth body of water, which will act as a flat surface and reflect incoming pulses away from a target; these bodies will appear dark.

       Backscatter will also vary depending on the use of different polarization. Some SARs can transmit pulses in either horizontal (H) or vertical (V) polarization and receive in either H or V, with the resultant combinations of HH (Horizontal transmit, Horizontal receive), VV, HV, or VH. Additionally, some SARs can measure the phase of the incoming pulse (one wavelength = 2pi in phase) and therefore measure the phase difference (in degrees) in the return of the HH and VV signals. This difference can be thought of as a difference in the roundtrip times of HH and VV signals and is frequently the result of structural characteristics of the scatterers. These SARs can also measure the correlation coefficient for the HH and VV returns, which can be considered as a measure of how alike (between 0/not alike and 1/alike) the HH and VV scatterers are.

       Different observations angles also affect backscatter. Track angle will affect backscatter from very linear features: urban areas, fences, rows of crops, ocean waves, fault lines. The angle of the radar wave at the Earth's surface (called the incidence angle) will also cause a variation in the backscatter: low incidence angles (perpendicular to the surface) will result in high backscatter; backscatter will decrease with increasing incidence angles.

       Radar backscatter is a function of incidence angle, (theta)i

       NASA/JPL's Radar Program

       NASA/JPL's radar program began with the SEASAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in 1978. SEASAT was a single frequency (L-band with lambda ~ 24 cm or 9.4 inches), single polarization, fixed-look angle radar. The Shuttle Imaging Radar-A (SIR-A), flown on the Space Shuttle in 1981, was also an L- band radar with a fixed look angle. SIR-B (1984) added a multi-look angle capability to the L-band, single polarization radar. SIR-C/X-SAR is a joint venture of NASA, the German Space Agency (DARA), and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). SIR-C/X-SAR provided increased capability over Seasat, SIR-A, and SIR-B by acquiring images at three microwave wavelengths (lambda), L- band (lambda ~ 24 cm or 9.4 inches) quad-polarization; C-band (lambda ~ 6 cm or 2.4 inches) quad- polarization; and X-band (lambda ~ 3 cm) with VV polarization. SIR-C/X-SAR also has a variable look angle, and can image at incidence angles between 20 and 65 degrees. SIR-C/X-SAR flew on the shuttle in April and in October of 1994, providing radar data for two seasons. Typical image sizes for SIR-C data products are 50kmx100km, with resolution between10 and 25 meters in both dimensions.

       Parallel to the development of spaceborne imaging radars, NASA/JPL have built and operated a series of airborne imaging radar systems. NASA/JPL currently maintain and operate an airborne SAR system, known as AIRSAR/TOPSAR, which flies on a NASA DC-8 jet. In one mode of operation, this system is capable of simultaneously collecting all four polarizations (HH,HV, VH and VV) for three frequencies: L- band (lambda ~ 24 cm); C-band (lambda ~ 6 cm) ; and P-band (lambda ~ 68 cm). In another mode of operation, the AIRSAR/TOPSAR system collects all four polarizations (HH,HV, VH and VV) for two frequencies: L- band (lambda ~ 24 cm); and P-band (lambda ~ 68 cm), while operating as an interferometer at C-band to simultaneously generate topographic height data. AIRSAR/TOPSAR also has an along-track interferometer mode which is used to measure current speeds. Typical image sizes for AIRSAR/TOPSAR products are 12kmx12km, with 10 meter resolution in both dimensions. Topographic map products generated by the TOPSAR system have been shown to have a height accuracy of1 m in relatively flat areas, and 5 m height accuracy in mountainous areas.

       JPL are studying designs for a free-flying multi- parameter imaging radar system like the one flown during the SIR-C/X-SAR missions. JPL are also studying a global mapping mission (TOPSAT) which will use radar interferometry to generate high quality topographic maps over the whole world and monitor changes in topography in areas prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity.

       To inquire about the availability of imaging radar data from the SIR-C, SIR-B, SIR-A or Seasat missions, or the airborne AIRSAR/TOPSAR system, please contact:

       Radar Data Center

       Mail Stop 300 - 233

       Jet Propulsion Laboratory

       4800 Oak Grove Drive

       Pasadena, CA 91109

       Fax: (818) 393 2640

       Other Contact Information

       To learn more about NASA/JPL's Imaging Radar Program, if you are an Internet user, please refer to World Wide Web server site at URL: e to our place.”啊,真是百闻不如一见,真是太漂亮了,很好很好!“**,我带你游览一下我们的星球吧!”“好啊!”“我们的星球因为没有大气层的保暖和海洋调节,因此,昼夜温差很大,你可得注意身体。瞧,那个就是我的住宅屋,进去歇会儿吧!”我一口答应。“请进,欢迎光临本宫。”“咦,我想这位应该就是玉兔了吧!”“对,我就是玉兔,你是?”“哦,我是从地球来的中学生,本人名叫**。你好!”“你好”过了一会儿,外面敲锣打鼓的声音阵阵传来,我觉得好奇:“嫦娥**,外面在干什么呀?”“告诉你吧,我们要进行一年一度的月球扔石子典礼。”原来如此,还真没听说说“扔石子典礼”。嫦娥好像看出我的心思,便决定带我一起去参加。到达目的地,只见这里人山人海,最令人惊奇的是,人人都穿着很薄的衣服,难道他们都不怕痛吗?原来,这些石头扔在你身上是不疼的。无何,典礼便开始了。大家你扔我,我扔你,沉浸在这热闹非凡的气氛中,好快乐,好开心!




















       I on the moon

       The weather is good today, sunny, good good scenery, I sat playing well, spacecraft, ohoo...... "this is who is singing? Is this girl, because I want to go to the moon wonderful, happy day.

       Wow, here was covered with big and small, like some like ringed mountains on earth, the high crater, sizes. Then, I feel that the first ship body weight, and three or four metres high JianBuRuFei obstacles and 10 meters deep ditch, can leap over. Walk on the moon, I always feel the walking forward unhurriedly suddenly, a beauty appeared before me. "Hi, How do you do? What \ 's your name?" "Oh, My name" e, chang this? "" Good you and you, various metaphysical subjects' e, chang My name." this * * "Welcome to our place." Oh, really seeing is believing, are so beautiful, very Good Good! "* *, I take your visit to our planet!" "Yes!" "Our planet because there is no atmosphere of warm and Marine adjusting temperature between day and night, so that you may have noticed a body. Look, that is my house, in a rest!" I speak promised. "Please, welcome to our house in." "Well, I think this is the moon!" "Yes, I am moon, you are?" "Oh, I come from the earth, I was * *. Hello!" "Hello" after a while, outside gongs and drums voice echoes, I felt curious: "miss the goddess, outside doing?" "I tell you, we will be the annual lunar throw stones ceremony." So, it hadn't heard said, "throw stones rites". The goddess of the mind that I like, I decided to take to go to. At the destination, and the people here are surprisingly, everyone was wearing a thin dress, they are afraid of pain? And these stone in your body is not painful. The no-road, ceremony begins. Everyone you throw me, I throw you immersed in the fuss atmosphere, happy, and happy!

       Soon, the end is near, I also one day the earth, moon back to shake hands with my people, the moon and the bid was dropped tears......

       I on the moon

       In the whole world, I've already got tired. Money, save down is not the answer, the bank said memory is not big enough. The recent exploration, that I will remove from the bank $20 million, started my trip to the moon.

       "A trip to the moon is the Chinese entertainment items, I developed in space technology personnel training to assist and nervous after capsule entered by the shenzhou X number, the spacecraft on the moon, I only me a (this is my additional request).

       My actions by radio guide, on the moon by satellite monitoring schedule. I must keep in touch with gladness fill the earth, even I lost, will arrive human earth.

       A moon, as we all know, the surface of the moon is uneven, with a large make people feel very dull and boring, just to see a bad temper and feet of stone, anger is a foot kicks, because on the moon, I was lost his head toward the ground forces, over his head, wear instruments were broken, thanks to safety measures, I was not injured, can continue to advance, but not with the ground, instruments, signal. I am afraid of panic, and his future should have the good life, I don't want to throw it quietly died on the moon.

       I want to seek help I can survive on the moon. Gone a long time after that, I found a strange light holes, if you don't watch carefully, cannot find it. I walked to a hit, with his hand in the hole, to blow, or didn't respond to look inside, but could see nothing. It makes me very confused, took a stone, but the hole will block after a while, a stone, then burst out of a gas, from gas to become a man, I'm curious, just go ask him, he took a similar things on earth, as well as shovel muscled knocking at the ground. I politely asked what he is, he said he is the director of the boiler. I asked whether he can help me to survive, he saw the unfamiliar faces like me, enthusiasm, I visit their area of the world.

       And, of course, he's taking me to see the boiler, my mind now is very curious, he entered his field. Then he walked with the earth, and the flame burning out different shape is brilliant, different colors of the flame has different, with numerous small boiler, different colors of the flame will be inhaled different holes, their mission. Then the man tells the bottom is divided into three parts: the first thing layer, the second beast, the third is the cloning of leaders.

       My journey starts a strange. In my elder, into the first layer, namely beast, can also call things layer is beast, military defenses thing layer? Here is a name that no, no rules of strange shape can describe large animals, they fit to attack the body and go into too many duels into enemy and strong. Are there any more, all soft call foot beasts who is sick, they looked out of the green, corrosion DuZhi enemy. To see, you can see a blood river, there are many tributaries, here all by biting living creatures. A three to five teeth, I rushed to dogs, very tough talk with blood, and it is the chief, with its running speed. It is very gentle and saw the boiler grandpa, I kept the "alien" wave tail.

       Then entered the second -- cloning layer, the people here long and the earth like a man, but their mouth will speak out in the flame, because they need a lot of heat can nose breath, otherwise will tighten together, choke to death. Who is that they have developed organisms, and they ate liquid or solid chemicals, such as sulfur esterification, iron solution, etc. Visible on the moon is the best of their mineral resources.

       Then, the third is the central summit layer, they are not on the moon, but for some unknown elements within a complete set of energy and control of their clone manufacturing machines and machine, a variety of one of the clone aura process clearly visible. Originally, the moon's lifeblood is here. I led by the old man had a good meal, the approximation of food.

       Suddenly the lights, ringing defence uproar, I know who is the earth to meet me, I hurried goodbye, return capsule, start machine, parting the man told me that you see things and meet all the others, so please don't tell us much more human environment and our peaceful life. In return, I think, on the way back to the moon again, I must explore here, the secret of unknown.

       I on the moon

       "The curved moon, small vessel two small boats." The children not heat the shade, looking humming gently on the head of the moon, and reminded me endless illusion and thoughts.

       "What place is it? Any?" Only on the land, a beige around "natural" are all the peaks of the mysterious veil layer of black, quiet, no vitality. When I felt creepy, will cry out, when suddenly came a woman's voice: "welcome, children, welcome you to visit my planet!" The voice is so beautiful, the moment I absorbed, smell, it was a reputation to fly fairy waved, the graceful form, beautiful face, which is the goddess QingGuoQingCheng, don't she? Here is the moon? ! "Yes, here is the goddess of the moon, I am." She has a telepathic, guess out of my mind. My goodness! I suddenly felt a thunderbolt, dear mom and dad, I never see you again. Pondering, help crying. "My little sister, don't be afraid, one day after you can see your parents, today you as representatives of all creatures on earth, with my visit to your future home!" "The future home?" The elder sister, I saw a busy to explain to me, in humans, damage the earth after endlessly, want to move to the moon.

       Then I said, with her to a dark before the mountains, "the tall ZuChongZhi is ringed." She said, "ZuChongZhi is ancient Chinese astronomer, right?" "Yes!" I'm sure of the goddess nodded, the profound knowledge. Not long after, our eyes suddenly appeared a magnificent palace, the luxury of door to the square piece, hanging signboard carved AnHanGong ", "three character in the darkness of them against more brightly. Come, the goddess of mooncakes AnHanGong do my services. While I tasted mooncakes with relish when suddenly it wobbles violently houses. "Meteorites colliding with the moon!" Is the WuGang GuiHuaShu cut out, my brother in popularity to smell, it was surprised and hundreds of such as stones of the moon, sharp shooting positive hit the edges and gas friction but, burning, all messed up a big AnHanGong hole. Flee, the moon is empty, no escape machine, don't just do besides? It is the sister of a finger in the meteorite all, she is in the air, with magic saved us, to avoid a disaster!

       On the moon, but really unforgettable day. I think we should reflect on their love the earth, moon don't, as you know, the earth is our home.

       I on the moon

       Ai. How about shuttle stop pulling demonstrated whether, will meet with blast! I thought a thought of tears fell, open the spacecraft uncle, and hear my little sister asked: "do you pull 〃? I tell uncle said spacecraft to blast, I am afraid. The uncle to pull all laughed, we now to the moon, ah good beauty that is good to the stars YiKeKe before you, so beautiful is blinked that small eyes, the sister rainbow is very beautiful clothes she wears, the more beautiful rainbow light on to her all the planet is very busy, see the time didn't watch the hand, leaving this beautiful place! When the stars that my sister spacecraft to a long, sister rainbow said she would go to the earth after me, good fun. Good-bye to the moon, haven't finished my dream mother called up, just dreaming of really want to go to the moon look to... 24524希望对你有帮助!

       非常高兴能与大家分享这些有关“radio shuttle”的信息。在今天的讨论中,我希望能帮助大家更全面地了解这个主题。感谢大家的参与和聆听,希望这些信息能对大家有所帮助。