divorcee_divorcee practice





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divorcee_divorcee practice


       piano-pianist 是英语的后缀变化。


       1. 名词后缀

       -er/-or; -ar; -ant; -tion; -ing; -ment; -al; -ure; -ese; -ian; -ness; -ism; -ist; -y; -(i)ty; -th

       (1) 动词加后缀-er; -or; -ar; -ant变为名词,表示“动作执行人”。

       e.g. teach→teacher play→player dream→dreamer employ→employer visit→visitor invent→inventor direct→director translate→translator lie→liar beg→beggar assist→assistant inhabit→inhabitant apply→applicant

       (2) 动词加-tion; -ing; -ment; -al; -ure 变为相应的名词形式,表示“行为的过程、结果”。

       e.g. organize→organization inform→information congratulate→congratulation

       greet→greeting live→living save→saving move→movement amuse→amusement entertain→entertainment arrive→arrival refuse→refusal

       survive→survival fail→failure

       depart→departure press→pressure

       (3)名词加后缀-ese; -ian; -ist,表示“……地方的人”,“……地方的”。

       e.g. China→Chinese Japan→Japanese Vietnam→Vietnamese

       Australia→Australian Canada→Canadian music→musician piano→pianist violin→violinist science→scientist

       (4)形容词加后缀-ness; -ism; -ist; -y; -(i)ty; -th变为名词。

       e.g. sick→sickness foolish→foolishness happy→happiness

       加-ism; -ist表示“……主义”“……主义者”。

       material→materialism natural→naturalism material→materialist

       natural→naturalist difficult→difficulty honest→honesty equal→equality

       safe→safety true→truth dead→death

       2. 动词后缀

       -ify; -en; -ise (-ize)

       (1)形容词加后缀-ify; -en; -ise (-ize)变为动词,表示“使成为……”。

       e.g. simple→simplify pure→purify intense→intensify quick→quicken

       wide→widen sharp→sharpen

       dramatic→dramatize modern→modernize


       (2)名词加-ify; -en; -ise (-ize)后缀变为动词, 表示“使成为……”,“变为……状态”。

       e.g. beauty→beautify class→classify sign→signify length→lengthen

       strength→strengthen organ→organize

       system→systemize sympathy→sympathize

       3. 形容词后缀

       -able; -ible; -ful; -ous; -ent; -ant; -y; -ly; -ive; -al;-an; -ern; -ish; -some

       (1)动词加后缀-able; -ible; -ful; -ous; -ent; -ant; -y变为形容词,表示“可……的”,“能……的”。

       e.g. move→movable suit→suitable change→changeable sense→sensible flex→flexible use→useful care→careful

       envy→envious vary→various depend→dependent consist→consistent assist→assistant ascend→ascendant wind→windy snow→snowy sleep→sleepy

       act→active pass→passive

       (2)名词加后缀-al; -an; -ern; -ly; -ish; -some变为形容词, 表示“有某种特征的”,“属于……的”。

       e.g. music→musical medicine→medical America→American Europe→European east→eastern west→western north→northern man→manly year→yearly fool→foolish Turkey→Turkish

       burden→burdensome trouble→troublesome

       4. 副词后缀


       e.g. careful→carefully beautiful→beautifully real→really

       一些表示方向的形容词加-wise; -ward(s)变为相应的副词。

       e.g. clock→clockwise other→otherwise up→upward(s) down→downward(s) back→backward(s)


       1. 有的后缀仅仅改变词义,不改变词性

       e.g. friend (朋友)→friendship (友谊) book (书)→booklet (小册子) hard (努力地)→hardly (几乎不) king (国王)→kingdom (王国)

       2. 后缀-ee

       后缀-ee与-er; -or虽然都是名词后缀表示“……的人”,但是-ee既可以表示被动的“动作承受者”,也可以表示主动的“动作发出者”,而-er; -or通常具有主动意义。-ee加在一些及物动词后面构成名词,表示为“动作承受者”。

       e.g. trainee(接受训练者) interview-

       ee(被采访者) appointee(受任命者)nominee (被提名者) payee (收款人) detainee(被拘留者) employee(雇员)


       e.g. returnee(归国者) refugee(难民) divorcee(离婚者) escapee(逃亡者)

       3. 以-ly结尾的形容词和副词



       e.g. manly (男子气的) womanly(女性的)masterly(精巧的) scholarly(学者气质的)motherly(母亲的)fatherly(父亲的)


       e.g. orderly (有秩序的) godly(神圣的) sickly (有病的) kindly(和善的)


       e.g. hourly(每小时的/每小时地)monthly(每月的/每月地) daily(每天的/每天地) minutely(详细地) yearly(每年的/每年地)timely(及时的)



       1. We are all from , so we are and we speak . (Japan)

       2. Two (pass by) came up to ask for help but none of us could be able to help them.

       3. The students at colleges or universities are making (prepare) for the coming New Year.

       4. The Nazi kept a great many (prison) of war in their concentration camps.

       5. Numerous materials are available to today’s so they can always different clothes with different styles. (design)

       6. The boy tried hard and there has been much in his work. (improve)

       7. To make more people is an important task for every country and no country can afford to neglect (educate)

       8. He has been depressed recently because he has lost his entire wage and (save) at card.

       9. (happy) and (sad) are always interwoven in our life and this is what the real life is.

       10. There are a lot of (refuge) wandering in the downtown of this city which really annoys the natives.

       11. (selfish) is one of her many faults.

       12. We are (permit) to enter the computer room to listen to the music and play games.

       13. The weather here is really (change). Yesterday morning it was sunny but in the afternoon it suddenly rained and we were all soaked to the skin.

       14. Mary writes slightly more (careful) than Mike.

       15. To realize four (modernize) has been our goal for many years.

       16. My sister or my brother is (like) to be at home.

       17. What was done to the environment really (beauty) the city pretty much.


       1. Can you describe the car? The police need a full in order to find it.

       2. His furniture design was original. Because of its , it won an award.

       3. That comedian loves to exaggerate. His humor is based on of his misfortunes.

       4. We can extend your time for two weeks, but no further will be allowed.

       5. The Senator stated that he would not seek re-election. The newspapers printed his on the first page.

       6. The boy had no friends there. His made him unhappy.

       7. Students have to do eye exercises at school every day. This practice is really beneficial for them.

       8. He tried hard to behave like a gentleman. But sometimes he forgot his habits.

       9. Every hour in this station there is a train. So there is an train service here.

       Key: 一、1. Japan; Japanese; Japanese 2. passers-by 3. preparations

       - 3 -4. prisoners 5. designers design

       6. improvement 7. educated; education 8. savings 9. Happiness; sadness

       10. refugees 11. Selfishness

       12. permitted 13. changeable

       14. carefully 15. modernizations

       16. likely 17. beautified

       二、1. description 2. originality

       3. exaggeration 4. extension

       5. statement 6. friendlessness

       7. daily 8. gentlemanly 9. hourly


       Rene Liu

        Date of Birth: June 1st, 1970

       Height: 160cm

       Weight: 46kg

       Interest: Swimming, Music

       Rene Liu, a mild-mannered girl next door, presents music with her soft and mellow voice. After successfully portraying the character that crazes about marriage in the popular TV series "Pink Lady", Rene Liu Ruoying became even more widely known as an accomplished Taiwan film actress. Apart from her talented performing skills, however, she's also revealed her talents as the pop singer by the nickname of "Milk Tea". This mild-mannered girl next door has just brought us her latest album, "Hearsay?"

       After successfully portraying the character that crazes about marriage in the popular TV series "Pink Lady", Rene Liu Ruoying became even more widely known as an accomplished Taiwanese film actress. Apart from her talented performing skills, however, she's also revealed her talents as the pop singer by the nickname of "Milk Tea". This mild-mannered girl next door has just brought us her latest album, "Hearsay?".

       The song "Do you know it or now?", which is the final song of the film "A World without Thieves", expresses a sense of melancholy romance. This film has helped secure her place in the film industry.

       Liu was born in Taiwan and studied classical music in California before joining the Taiwan record company Rock Records after graduation. She began to launch her career in popular music in the mid 1990s. Through over a decade of hard work, she has already released ten albums.

       Rene Liu has a lot of fans who call her "Milk Tea". It's because her soft and mellow songs contain a creamy sense of nostalgia and sad romance. Like the song "Hearsay?", Rene sings about the feelings of a woman disappointed in love. Rene actually admits that she's not really good at singing. But as someone once told her, the best songs are not expressed only by one's voice, but one's life and emotions. So she firmly believes that music is woven not only from melodies but also memory and sensation.

       "The Brightest Starlight?" is the theme song of an annual event called the "30-hour Fast", held by World Vision to raise awareness of world hunger. As the lyrics go, "The world is just like a home / We're living under the same roof / Without love, there'll be less shining hope for tomorrow / Earth should be the brightest starlight / And I'd like to share with you both the happiness and the pain".

       The ten songs on this album include folk melodies, electronica and pop. The interesting thing is that each of the song titles is posed as a question. Liu says that she is just trying to express the uncertainty of love.


       Actress spins concert into drama

       By Chen Jie (China Daily)

       Updated: 2004-11-10 08:50

       Taiwan actress and singer Rene Liu Ruoying

       Taiwan actress and singer Rene Liu Ruoying will give her Beijing concert at the Capital Gymnasium on November 19, following her acclaimed Shanghai debut in March.

       Produced by Huahan International Culture Development Co Ltd and Liu's album contracting company Virgin Music, Liu's show will feature dozens of her hits in six parts.

       Considering Liu a talented actress as much as a singer, the concert will be much more like a theatrical production with some drama involved, according to Guo Zi, director of the show.

       "We will make Liu on stage as she is in life, keeping her usual air of being approachable and sincere," says Guo, who was a famous Taiwan pop song writer and turned concert director some two years ago. He also directed Liu's concert premiere in Taipei a few years ago.

       The six sets include: Place Where Dreams Start; Falling in Love Upstairs; Reminiscing Downstairs; Songs of an Actress; 20, 30, 40 and One Night in Beijing.

       Guo introduced two parts among the six at a press conference in Beijing late last month.

       In "Songs of an Actress," Liu will sing songs from her movies and TV series while "One Night in Beijing" will share songs by other singers with the local audience and invite members of the audience on stage to sing with her.

       As the two titles of "Falling in Love Upstairs" and "Reminiscing Downstairs" suggest, the stage will be built as a three-floor apartment where Liu leads her daily life.

       The part "20, 30, 40" comes from Liu's award-winning movie of the same title directed by well-known Taiwan actress, director and singer Sylvia Chang and starring Chang, Liu and Angelica Lee.

       Chang and Lee will also appear in this part of the concert as guest performers.

       "20, 30, 40" is the only Chinese entry at this year's Berlin Film Festival.

       The film focuses on contemporary women in Taiwan and their complicated lives. The title's three numbers represent the ages of the main characters. In search of happiness and fulfilment, the three stories intertwine with humour, sadness and self-discovery.

       Playwright and director Chang plays one of the leads - a 40-something divorcee adjusting to single life again. Liu is a jaded, cynical flight attendant turning 30, and Lee is a naive 20-year-old who dreams of becoming a pop star.

       Liu successfully portrays a woman who has many boyfriends but is unsure of what she really wants from love and life.

       Born in Taiwan and a student of classical music in California, Liu joined the Taiwan record company Rock Records upon graduation.

       After three years as an assistant, she began to launch her own career in popular music in the mid-1990s. But before her first album was released, she was tapped by director Sylvia Chang to appear in the latter's film "Siao Yu."

       Liu's performance was so accomplished that she won the Best Actress award at the Asian Pacific Film Festival in 1995, securing her place in the film industry.

       Liu followed that with celebrated turns in a series of acclaimed films.

       "Murmur of Youth" (Meili Zai Chang'ge, 1997) won her the Best Actress at the Tokyo International Film Festival in 1997 and "Double Vision" (Shuang Tong, 2002) won her the Best Supporting Actress at the Hong Kong Film Awards in 2003.

       With a remarkably expressive face, Liu always portrays her character well. Taiwan director Chen Kuo-fu, who directed "The Personals" (Zhenghun Mingzi, 1998) calls her "definitely the best actress in Taiwan."

       The 34-year-old Liu admitted that she accomplished more as an actress than as a singer. But the mild woman with a normal appearance and voice does have a large number of fans, who call her "Milk Tea" for her soft and mellow songs which contain a sense of nostalgia and sad romance.

       Having 10 albums under her belt since 1991, she just released her latest "Hear Say" under the Virgin Music label in late October.

       The 10 songs include folk melodies, electronics and pop. Each of the song titles is posed as a question.

       Liu's answer is that "all these songs tell about the uncertainty and questions of love."

       At the press conference held in Beijing, Liu said 2004 is her luckiest year, because she played the leading role in the blockbuster "Yesterday Once More" (Tianxia Wuzei) by famous Beijing director Feng Xiaogang, published her first book "Falling in Love Downstairs" (Xialou Tanlian'an) and recorded two CDs "My Failure and Greatness" and "Hear Say," and completed a successful solo concert in Shanghai.

       She told the press: "I am not one of those born singers who can sing everything beautifully, I don't have a golden voice, therefore I have to pay 100 times more attention to my lyrics to touch others. And now I am doing my best to prepare for the Beijing debut."

       She also shared with her fans that her biggest dream is to become a screenwriter.

       "I want to write a very romantic love story and have it put on the big screen. I want to give lonely people a very happy, peaceful feeling. I want to do this because I've made many films and I've never had a happy ending in any of them."


       Write a review of a book you have read , a CD you have listened to or a movie you have seen的意思是:写一篇评论你所读的一本书,你听过或你看过的**。正文:Synopsis In the early 40s Shanghai, Bai Lisu, a divorcee, is staying with her own family. Yet it is a place of gossip and she is desperate to escape.

       Mrs. Xu, the matchmaker, arranges for Bai’s sister to have a blind date with Fan Liuyuan, a playboy just back from overseas. Bai accompanies her sister to meet Fan but it truns out that fan falls for bai. After their first encounter, Fan asks Mrs. Xu to invite Bai to come to Hong Kong ot meet him. Bai agrees right away, ignoring all the gossip about her.

       The Repulse Bay Hotel becomes a place for tug-of-war between Fan and Bai. They get along well one day but then are at odds on another. He is being kind not only to her but also other women.

       Bai knows that if this tug-of-war lingers on,, she may lose the battle completely. She decides to return to Shanghai. Not long after, Fan waits for Bai to arrive at the pier in Hong Kong. He gives her a “home” but she still does not get the “status” of being married.

       When the Japanese troops are bombing the Hong Kong Island, Bai and Fan are separated. When Fan rushes back to the house and finds Bai waiting for him there, they then know that treasure each other so much. Fan then proposes to Bai and They plan to get married right after the war is over.

       Many years later, at the Bai’s house in Shanghai…译文:在40年代的上海,白流苏离婚后一直住在娘家,由于家人的冷嘲热讽,令她恨不得尽快离开这个是非之地。






急求5道高难度 考博英语 单选难题 附解析 !!!




       1、grandmother clock.


       2、teach one's grandmother to suck eggs.



       1、A 53-year-old aerobicized divorcee who looks more like a cheer leader than a?grandmother.


       2、He remembered sitting in silence with his?grandmother?as evening drew on.


       3、She reminds me, in some indefinable way, of my?grandmother.



       1. The government will prosecute those individuals who unlawfully possess material.

       A. classified B. bizarre C. personal D. legitimate

       2.The structure of the global economy that developing nations put all their efforts into raising cash—usually by exporting whatever virgin resources the industrial world might desire.

       A. dictates B. regulates C. allows D. appeals

       3. U.S. Secretary of State Rice a three-day trip to the Middle East with an agreement from Israeli and Palestinian leaders to hold meetings every two weeks.

       A. ended up B. wrapped up C. rounded up D. summed up

       4. Some readers, especially children, find his works among the most books they have ever read.

        A. captivating B. captivated C. capturable D. captious

       5. He never felt that being disabled him of all moral responsibility to himself and his community.

       A. released B. relieved C .removed D. relied

       1. A译文政府会控告非法持有机密材料的个人。


       2. A译文全球经济结构要求发展中国家全力吸纳现金——常用的方法是出口工业世界需要的任何原材料。

       精析词义辨析题。dictate“命令,要求”;regulate“控制,管理”;allow“允许”;appeal“呼吁,恳求”。根据句意“全球经济结构要求发展中国家全力吸纳现金”,选项A dictates符合题意。

       3. B译文美国国务卿赖斯结束了对中东三天的访问,巴以***同意每两个星期会谈一次。

       精析词组辨析题。end up“最终成为……”;wrap up“包裹,圆满完成”;round up“积攒”;sum up“总结”。根据句意“美国国务卿赖斯结束了对中东三天的访问”,选项B wrap up符合题意。

       4. A译文有些读者,尤其是儿童,觉得他的作品是最具吸引力的书籍之一。

       精析词汇辨析题。captivating“迷人的,有吸引力的”;captivated“被迷住的,被迷惑的”; capturable无此词;captious“强词夺理的”。根据句意“觉得他的作品是最具吸引力的书籍之一”,选项A captivating正确。

       5. B译文他从不认为身体残疾免除了他对自己和社区的所有道德责任。

       精析词汇辩词题。release“释放”;relieve“减轻,消除”;remove“拆除”;rely“依靠”。根据句意“身体残疾免除对自己和社区的道德责任”,选项B 正确。





       1.QUESTION?FROM?STANLEY?SMITH:?Has?the?president?been a?disappointment?to?you?and?are?you?ready?to?abandon?President?Obama?


       2.Not?even?Prime Minister?Stanley?Baldwin who spoke?for?the?nation?when?he?said?Britain?did?not?want?an?American?divorcee?for?a?queen.


       Beastie Boys: Sure Shot

       Album:Ill Communication

       Title:Sure Shot

       You Can't, You Won't And You Don't Stop

       Mike D Come On And Rock The Sure Shot

       I've Got The Brand New Doo-Doo Guaranteed

       Like Yoo Hoo

       I'm On Like Dr John, Yea Mr Zu Zu

       I'm A Newlywed, Not A Divorcee

       And Everything I Do Is Funky Like Lee Dorsey

       Well, It's The Taking Fo Pelham, One, Two, Three

       If You Want A Doodoo Rhyme Then Come See Me

       I've Got The Savior Faire With The Unique Rhyme


       I Keep It On And On, It's Never Quitting Time And

       Strictly Hand Held Is The Style I Go

       Never Rock The Mic With The Panty Hose

       I Strap On My Ear Goggles And I'm Ready To Go

       'Couse At The Boards Is The Man They Call The


       Pull Up At The Function And You Know I Kojak

       To All The Party People That Are On My Bozak

       I've Got More Action Than My Man John Woo

       And I've Got Mad Hits Like I Was Rod Crew

       You Can't, You Won't And You Don't Stop

       Ad Rock Come And Rock The Sure Shot

       Hurricane Will Cross Fade On Your Ass And

       Bust Your Ear Drums

       Listen Everybody 'Couse I'm Shifting Gears I'm

       Fresh Like Dougie When I Set My Specs And

       On The Microphone I Come Correct

       Timing Like A Clock When I'Rock The Hip Hop

       Top Notch Is My Stock On The Soap Box

       I纾沞 Got More Rhymes Than I'v Got Grey Hairs

       And That's Alot Because I've Got My Share

       I've Got A Hole In My Head And There's No One

       To Fix It

       Got To Straighten My Thoughts, I'm Thinking Too

       Much Sick Shit

       Everyone Just Takes and Takes, Takes, Takes,


       I've Got To Step Back, I've Got To Contemplate

       I'm Like Lee Perry, I'm Very

       On Rock The Microphone And Then I'm Gone

       I'm Like Vaughn bode, I'm a Cheech Wizard

       Never Quitting, So Won't You Listen

       Oh Yes Indeed, It's Fun Time

       'Cause You Can't, You Won't And You Don't Stop

       MCA Come And Rock The Sure Shot

       I Want To Say a Little Something That's Long


       The Disrespect To Women Has Got To Be Through

       To All The Mothers And Sisters A And Ahe

       Wives And Friends

       I Want To Offer My Love And Respect To The


       Well You Say I纾?Twenty Something And Should

       Be Slacking

       But I纾?Working Harder Than Ever And You Could

       Call It Macking

       So I纾?Supposed To Sit Upon My Couch Watching My


       I'm Still Iistening To Wax, I'm Not Using The CD

       I'm That Kid In The Corner

       All Fucked Up And I Wanna So I'm Gonna

       Take A Piece Of The Pie, Why Not, I'm Not Quitting

       Think I'm Gonna Change Up My Style Just To Fit In

       I Keep My Underwear Up With A Piece Of Elastic

       I Use A Bullshit Mic That's Made Out Of Plastic

       To Send My Rhymes Out To All Nations

       Like Ma Bell, I've Got The Ill Communications

