1.aim to和aim at的共同点,和区别!!

2.“aim to” ,“aim for ”,“ aim at”的区别怎么区分?

aim to 和aim at 的区别_

aim at

1. 瞄准

2. 以...为目的


Is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight

aim of


如:Talk to someone with the aim of persuading him

aim to和aim at的共同点,和区别!!

aim to 和lead to的区别具体如下:

1、aim to do sth 想要做某事,立志要做某事。如:

She aimed to please her boss. 她想要讨好她的老板。

We aim to solve the problem. 我们力求要解决这个问题。

2、lead to 导致; 把…带到; 领到; (道路) 通向;


All roads lead to Rom.


The hey rain led to a flood.

Hard work leads to success.

“aim to” ,“aim for ”,“ aim at”的区别怎么区分?


aim to do sth/ aim at doing sth./ aim at sth 指望,旨在,针对

Businesses will he to aim at long-term growth, not the present profit.

aim sth at: aim a gun at the animal / aim a pipe at the puma 把…瞄准,把…指向;把…掷向

aim 靶子,目标/目的,志向;宗旨 take aim at (对…)瞄准

aim at, aim to

aim at 是“瞄准”、“针对”的意思。例如:

He is aiming at the target.


I am not aiming at you.


aim to do(美)= aim at doing(英),是“目的在于”的意思,但在具体句子中可以有不同的含义。例如:

He aims at mastering English.


He aims to master English.


下面两句 = I hope to finish it tomorrow.

I aim at finishing it tomorrow.

I aim to finish it tomorrow.


下面两句 = I try to learn ten new words by heart every day.

I aim at learning ten new words by heart every day.

I aim to learn ten new words by heart every day.


“aim to”意为:",打算; 目标在于…;"后加do 力求做某事。

例句:New stakeholder pensions will?aim?to?give all workers a retirement pension they can live?on.


“aim for ”意为“, 打算;”后加doing/sth. ?力求做到某事/力求达到某事;等同于aim后加at。

例句:We?aim?for?simplicity and excellence in the quality of our?services.


“aim at”意为“针对; (以…) 瞄准; 以…为目标; ;”后加doing/sth. ? 力求做到某事/力求达到某事。

例句:Businesses will he to?aim?at?long-term?growth.
