business letter_business letter范文

       最近有些日子没和大家见面了,今天我想和大家聊一聊“business letter”的话题。如果你对这个领域还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为你而写的,让我们一起来探索其中的奥秘吧。

1.Business English letter: Write a letter to establish business relations

2.怎样写好motivation letter


4.four-letter word是什么意思

business letter_business letter范文

Business English letter: Write a letter to establish business relations

       Business English letter:Write a letter to establish business relations

       You are the Weifangkite factorysales manager,to findcustomers to buyChinesekitesfrom the Internet,this factory ispromotionthe followingkiteproducts: n products:QQn:15*1500px material:rain silkn skeleton:fiberglassline:Nylonn price:$15/Packaging: 20 pcs /cartonshipment:nwithin 15 days ofreceipt of the letter of credit.

怎样写好motivation letter


       Business Letter Writing

       ●Some rules of good writing

       1) Adopting the right tone正确语气 2) writing naturally and sincerely 3) writing clearly to the point

       4) being courteous有礼貌的and considerate 5) avoiding wordiness冗长

       6) planning your letter and writing effectively

       ●Principles of business letter-writing

       In writing business letters, we should always bear in mind the essential qualities of them, the seven C’s: completeness完整, concreteness具体, clarity明晰, conciseness简洁, courtesy礼貌, consideration关心and correctness正确性.

       注:1)They have reduced the price US﹩100 per piece件. →price后要加to。 解析:reduce…to…应该是指―降低到……(某个位置、程度)‖,reduce…by…则是指―降低了……(by后面跟降低的具体幅度)‖。

       2)避免使用bimonthly,会引起歧义。→adj. 两月一次的;每月两次的。避免使用steamer。→n. 轮船/蒸汽机/蒸笼。 3)不要写this month,要写出确切的月份。 Complicated难懂的/复杂的 Simple简单的 Be kind enough please Under date of on General Specific Soon

       May 15

       A large volume an order up to USD12,000 Contact you call / write / fax Our time Beijing time Somebody Mr. Li Your port


       5)Please remit us the amount soon.划线处需用确切量词 6)Thank you for your emails of/dated May 5.(不能用on。解析:修饰名词emails,所以用of/dated;而on修饰动词。) Deadwood废话

       Correction In the view of the fact that because Had the effect of causing caused





       this opportunity to thank you thank you

       In the event that…

       If… Courtesy: 1) 收到信,要在3天内给对方回复。 2)Because of your delay in shipment延期装船 , we suffer a loss.→your改为the。(解析:只提事实,不要指责对方。)

       3)You must/had better/should send the sample to us.(最


       4)可以说Would you please do sth.

       注:textiles纺织品 price list价目表 catalog小册子,目录

       ●Exercises--Rewrite sentences

       1) There are three buyers who want to import the goods from us.→去掉There are…who…

       2) There is a book written by WH about Globalization. →A book is written by….

       3) It is my opinion that they should replace the goods. →My opinion is that….

       4) Here is our check for $500 in payment for your settlement. →去掉Here is, payment后加is。

       5) It is our plan to open a branch in BJ next year.→We plan to…./ Our plan is to….

       6) It is our expectation that the interest rate will be further raised in the near future. → We expect that….

       7) The interest rate is expected to be further ….→We expect the interest rate to be further….

       8) Your order for office supplies has been received, and it will be shipped immediately. →We’ve received your order…, and we will ship immediately.

       9) We are shipping your order for … at once. →

       ●The basic format of a business letter:

       1) letterhead(信头)

       2) Ref.(reference)No (发文编号)(提及某一笔买卖的号) 3)Date (日期)

       4) Inside Name and Address

       5) Attention line (注意事项)(希望由谁/某部门办理) 6) Salutation(称呼) 7) Subject line(事由标题) 8) Body of the letter

       …………………………………………………. 9) Complimentary close(结尾敬语) 10) Signature (签名) 11) Enclosure Notation(附件) 12) Carbon Copy(抄送) C.C.

       注:粗体字为Necessary parts,细体字为Optional parts.


       ⊙Letterhead, as the first and most obvious part of a company’s business letter, has two functions: to identify where the letter comes from, and to form one’s impression of the writer’s company.

       ⊙A printed letterhead may contains some or all of the following parts:



       Tips & Tricks

       The motivation letter is probably the mostimportant part of your application. In it, you get the chance to address youruniversity of choice directly and talk about why you are interested in becominga student there. Unlike in a CV, you get to have your own voice and expressyour passion about the degree and the university. With this following advice,you will know exactly what to consider when writing your motivation letter.

       Where to begin?

       Take your time and begin early. We suggestyou take at least a few weeks between the beginning of writing and handing inyour letter.

       Make sure you read all the information onthe university website carefully and familiarise yourself with all therequirements. Perhaps you can find Facebook groups or a forum where currentstudents of the university discuss how they got in. Don′t be afraid to ask current students for advicebefore applying, that′s what social networks are for!

       Start with an outline first and then writethe actual text. The structure below is a great place to start.

       What to include in your letter

       An opening paragraph giving a shortoverview about yourself (name, age, nationality and what degree you areapplying to).

       Express the intention of your letter in onesentence. We especially like this one: ”With this letter I would like to express my desire to become a studentof…”

       What are your career plans beyond thedegree? In what sector do you see yourself working? Now the university staffhas an impression of you beyond the university and you can argue why thisspecific degree will get you there.

       Which of the courses offered in theprogramme are of particular interest to you?

       What qualifies you for this degree? This isof course one of the most essential parts of your letter and should take atleast one longer paragraph. Talk about your skills, your previous experienceand your personality. The university wants to see if you fit well into theacademic and social life. Emphasise your positive characteristics but don′t go over the top!

       Why have you chosen this particularuniversity? It is a great idea to praise the university for its high academicstandards and excellent reputation. Who doesn′t like to be flattered a bit?


       Express passion, show them that you areeager to become their student. People love enthusiasm.

       Don′t be afraid to bring some humour into your letter. Be creative andwitty. Application officers read thousands of letters every year and willappreciate if you lighten things up a bit.

       Give examples! This is a very importantone. Using specific examples, demonstrate how your previous experience hasstirred an interest in the subject matter and qualified you for the degree.Talking about real life examples is much better than saying “I work well underpressure” or “I enjoy taking responsibility”.

       Universities disagree on how long themotivation letter should be. If there are no specific requirements, we suggesta length between one or two pages.

       Another very important advice that somestudents overlook: Keep in mind that your motivation letter will probably bediscussed with you during the interview. Write only about things which youcould also discuss in an in-depth conversation.

       One of the best advices that we can giveyou for writing your motivation letter or any other application for that matteris this:

       DO NOT ONLY SPEAK FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE.Make sure you don’t just write about your own goals and skills. Consider thingsfrom the universities point of view. What do THEY have to gain from acceptingyou? Sentences like “I feel like I can contribute positively to the university/ student life by…” will go a long way in showing the application office thatthey really have something to gain in enrolling you.

       After you wrote most of the letter, leaveit for a few days and come back to it. With a fresh eye you will have many newideas for improvements.


       A motivation letter is not a CV! Don′t turn your letter into a list of all yourcareer steps.

       Don′t include any links or images, the motivation letter consists onlyof words.

       Don′t make the letter too long. Application officers have to go throughhundreds of letters every semester and will get a headache if you write toomuch. Of course this depends on the requirements, but we recommend lettersbetween one page and two page.

       If you would still like some assistancewith your letter, we are happy to help! If you send us your letter, we offeryou to give valuable advice on what information to include in your letter, makea thorough spell-check and put it into the right format.




four-letter word是什么意思



       [`lZtL; ˋl?t?]



       1 (C) (a,b,c等的) 文字,字母

       the 26 ~s of the English alphabet


       an initial ~


       a capital [small] ~


       2 (C)信,书函; (对明信片而言的) 装入信封的信

       an open ~


       → business letter,dead letter

       write a ~


       mail [ (

       英)post] a ~ 寄信

       by ~


       3 [~s]文学; (文学的) 知识,学识; 著作业

       arts and ~s


       a man of ~s

       → man 2 b

       a doctor of ~s


       the profession of ~s


       the world of ~s


       4 [the ~; 用单数] (对内容、精神而言的) 字面上的意义,字句

       keep the ~ of the law [an agreement] (

       忽视真意、精神而) 依照字面上的意义履行法律条文 [合约] 的条件

       5(C)[常 ~s]证书,许可证,执照,…证[状]

       a ~ of attorney


       a ~ of credit


       ~(s) of credence(

       给大使、公使的) 信任状,国书

       → letters patent.


       a. (C)活字

       a roman ~


       b. (U)字体

       italic ~



       (杰出的运动选手等获准使用; cf. numeral 2)

       win a baseball ~

       成为 (学校的) 杰出棒球选手

       in letter and in spirit

       形式精神 [内容] 都…

       to the letter

       照字面; 严密地

       follow a person's instructions to the ~



       1 印 [写,刻,加] 字母于…; 加标题于…

       2 用印刷体写…



       [m?l; m?il]




       → COAT of mail.




       [m?l; m?il]



       1 (U)邮政,邮政制度

       by ~ (


       send by air [surface] ~

       以航空 [普通] 邮件邮寄

       2 (U)

       a. [集合称]邮件; (同一批收发之) 信件( (英)post)

       open one's [the] ~


       Is there any ~ for me this morning?.


       b. (一批之) 邮件收发

       When does the next ~ leave?.


       3 (C)邮件火车,邮船,邮件飞机; 邮差

       4 [M~]…邮报

       The Daily Mail.




       a ~ boat


       a ~ car [ (

       英)coach] 邮车

       ~ matter




       1 邮寄…( (英)post)

       2 邮寄…给<人>; [向人]邮寄…[to]

       ~ a person a parcel = ~ a parcel to a person







       1."A little

       four-letter word made me get this for you, " he said



       2.A Dublin economist responds that

       the real difference lies in a four-letter word:



       3.The most used four-letter

       word is Love ", Value it. "




       英 [?f?:?let?, ?f?r-]

       美 [?f?r?l?t?, ?for-]



       [例句]For many bankruptcy is a four-letter word.



       复数:four-letter words

       four-letter-word row的意思

       four-letter word n.(字母少的)粗俗下流词 脏话;粗口;四字母粗俗下流词

       例句 1."A little four-letter word made me get this for you, " he said softly. 丈夫温柔地说:“是一个四个字母的单词使我为你买下它。”

       2.A Dublin economist resp...

       非常高兴能与大家分享这些有关“business letter”的信息。在今天的讨论中,我希望能帮助大家更全面地了解这个主题。感谢大家的参与和聆听,希望这些信息能对大家有所帮助。