




4.LOL锐雯的台词 中英文

5.quite inside 中文歌词





       英语和美语的发音最大的区别之一在它们对浑元音(schwa,音标中的倒写e,)的处理。英语中,浑元音在单元音中常通发生在一些非重读的短音a(如about)和短音er(如computer)上。美语中的er很少为浑元音,并有时对短音i(如sentimental,actuality)和u(如wuss),甚至短音的oo(如:hooker)采用了浑元音。(这四个例子在英语中的发音分别为[i], [i], [u:], [u])浑元音的读音是不定的,但是听起来差不多像一个急促的介于“俄”和“啊”的发音。



       元音的发音中还有一个比较重要的区别。一是[o]音:短音的o(如often),英语中发音仅仅为一个缩短了的长音o(如or),而美式的短音o听起来和英语的短音[/\]很像,同时长音o后面如果有r都通常像上一段里说的那样儿化了,没有的话(如plausible, applause)就自动变成了一个短音的o的发音。




       r:字母r简直是代表了英美两国的所有差别,到处都是它。在做辅音时,其实差别也就是当r在第一个词的词尾,而第二个词以元音开头,英语把r完全当作元音处理,而美语会把r连读当作后面一个词的开头元音的辅音,如词组clear animosity,英语会读成clear|animosity,而美语会读成clear-ranimosity。

       另一个比较明显的区别是d和t。在一部分非重读音节中(如paddle,rattle, actuality),英语会清楚地发音这两个字母,但在美语中d和t常常会被模糊成一个很难解释的音,跟其它的语言比较,如果你知道西班牙语或者意大利语,它跟短弹音r很接近;如果你懂日语,那么らりるれろ行的辅音很像。如果你都不知道,那么最接近的解释就是边音l了,但是差了那么一节,就看你自己体会了。

       还有一点,history, factory这些词,大家可能都发现o的发音(是一个浑元音)在很多音标标注中都是打了括号的。在英国,英语受文言文的影响喜欢省略这个o,而在美国,这个o常常是发了音的。(如果大家对文言文或者诗歌感兴趣,会发现很多浑元音的字母是用一个单引号'表示的,表示省略)




       metre/meter, centimetre/centimeter, theatre/theater, centre/center等等

       背景:这些词全部都是从法语中来的(分别是:mètre, centimètre, théa^tre, centre)。其它大部分的re词都是,如genre, hors-d'oeuvre等,不过这些的拼写都没有变化了。


       colour/color, favourite/favorite等等。



       organise/organize, actualise/actualize, realise/realize



       背景:这些词还是从法语中来的,分别为organiser, actualiser, réaliser(但因为语言的演变,法文里这些词现在的意思和英文里这些词现在的意思不完全一样了,如actualise现在的意思是“实现”,而actualiser是“升级,使不过时”;realise现在的意思是“意识到”,而réaliser就变成了“实现”)。



       英语和美语中有些同样的词语的常用意思是不同的,或者同样的东西用不同的词语来说,而且绝大部分这种词语是和文化风俗有关的,但并不对交流产生实质性影响。如jumper一词在英国可指毛衣,而美国人很少用这个词当衣服讲(是个过时的词),而用sweater来做毛衣。另外有如jersey, slacks, trousers等等。有很多例子,一时想不起来,大家欢迎补充。













       美国北方口音:以夸张的o音出名,如talk, walk, off, coffee这四个词,纽约市人会发成:twok, wok, woff, kwoffee(这里的o均为长音“喔”)。

       美国南方口音:以把[ai]发成[ae]为最大特称,如I'd like a light beer,南方人会说成ae'd laek a laet beer。同时说话慢条斯理。

       英式英语和美式英语有其显注不同之处,以发音方面来看,以卷舌音为例,无论是英式英语还是美式英语,当出现在母音之前时,讲话者都会发出sound,但是如果出现在一个母音后面时,英国人一般就不发sound了,但是讲美式英语的人就会发很清楚的卷舌音。 拼音方面: 英式英语的拼法和美式英语的拼法略有些差异.



       I think it's time we should let it all on the table


       You got my heart running like a car on a cable


       We let the world pass us by


       You show me a life full of color


       We'll take a walk outside watching as our words run for cover



       Maybe it's the way you get that look in your eye


       The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile


       I've got to be (got to be) Colse to you


       I've got to be (got to be) Close to you


       Babada ba bada dada

       Babada ba bada


       I think we know


       There's no way to stop what's in motion


       But I don't mind


       Feeling such a beautiful emotion



       Maybe it's the way you get that look in your eye


       The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile


       Oh, I've got to be (got to be)Close to you


       Oh, I've got to beClose to you


       Babada ba dada dada

       Babada ba bada


       Doesn't take a song to say


       How I can't stand when you're away


       Our world it turns to black and gray


       When you're nowhere around


       I lose the clarity I've found



       Maybe it's the way you get that look in your eye


       The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile


       I've got to beClose to you


       I've got to beClose to you


       Babada ba dada dada

       Babada ba bada

       Maybe it's the way you get that look in your eye


       Oh, I've got to be

       Close to you

       Oh, I've got to be

       Close to you

       The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile


       Oh, I've got to be

       Close to you

       Oh, I've got to be

       Close to you

       Dadada da dadadada




       塑料/清晰塑料/塑料积水情况清晰/中银胶/数字塑料/塑料手电筒闪光灯/木头/动物图木/乳胶/白色条纹/ EVA的软/直/弯柄/橡胶弯曲处理铝/钳处理/藤弯曲处理藤条弯把/塑料手柄平扁推入式卡套银扁圆手把带有金属环













       铝及铝槽轴1 /轮排骨+白色玻璃钢


















       190T / 170T涤纶printd




       T / C布冠+边缘镶边花边

LOL锐雯的台词 中英文

       IN THE END

       It starts with one thing,I don't know why


       It doesn't even matter,how hard you try


       Keep that in mind,I designed this rhyme


       To explain in due time


       All I know…


       Time is a valuable thing


       Watch it fly by,As the pendulum swings


       Watch it count down,To the end of the day


       The clock ticks life away


       It's so unreal…


       Didn't look out below


       Watch the time go,Right out the window


       Trying to hold on,But didn't even know


       Wasted it all just


       To watch you go…


       I kept everything inside ,


       And even though I tried,It all fell apart


       What it meant to me will eventually be a


       Memory of a time when


       I tried so hard


       And got so far


       But in the end


       It doesn't even matter


       I had to fall


       To lose it all


       But in the end


       It doesn't even matter


       One thing,I don't know why


       It doesn’t even matter,how hard you try,


       Keep that in mind,


       I designed this rhyme,


       To remind myself how,


       I tried so hard


       In spite of the way,You were mocking me


       Acting like I was,Part of your property


       Remembering all the times ,you fought with me


       I'm surprised it got so far


       Things aren't the way,They were before


       You wouldn't even,Recognise me anymore


       Not that you,Knew me back then


       But it all comes,Back to me (in the end)


       You kept everything inside


       And even though I tried,It all fell apart


       What it meant to me will eventually be a


       Memory of a time when


       I tried so hard


       And got so far


       But in the end


       It doesn't even matter


       I had to fall


       To lose it all


       But in the end


       It doesn't even matter


       I've put my trust in you


       Pushed as far as I can go


       For all this


       There's only one thing you should know


       I've put my trust in you


       Pushed as far as I can go


       For all this


       There's only one thing you should know


       I tried so hard


       And got so far


       But in the end


       It doesn't even matter


       I had to fall


       To lose it all


       But in the end


       It doesn't even matter



       I’m tired of being what you want me to be


       Feeling so faithless lost under the surface


       Don’t know what you’re expecting of me


       Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes


       (Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)


       Every step I take is another mistake to you


       (Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)


       I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there


       I’ve become so tired so much more aware


       I’ve becoming this all I want to do


       Is be more like me and be less like you


       Can’t you see that you’re smothering me


       Holding too tightly afraid to lose control


       Causes everything that you thought I would be


       Has fallen apart right in front of you


       (Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)


       Every step that I take is another mistake to you


       (Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)


       And every second I waste is more than I can take


       I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there


       I’ve become so tired so much more aware


       I’ve becoming this all I want to do


       Is be more like me and be less like you


       And I know


       I may end up failing too


       But I know


       You were just like me with someone disappointed in you


       I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there


       I’ve become so tired so much more aware


       I’ve becoming this all I want to do


       Is be more like me and be less like you


       I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there


       Is everything what you want me to be


       I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there


       Is everything what you want me to be



       Memories consume


       Like opening the wound


       I‘m picking me apart again


       You all assume


       I’m safe here in my room


       (unless I try to start again)


       I don‘t want to be the one


       The battles always choose


       Cause inside I realize


       That I’m the one confused


       I don‘t know what's worth fighting for


       Or why I have to scream


       I don’t know why I instigate


       And say what I don‘t mean


       I don’t know how I got this way


       I know it‘s not alright


       So I’m breaking the habit


       I’m breaking the habit




       Clutching my cure


       I tightly lock the door


       I try to catch my breath again


       I hurt much more


       Than anytime before


       I had no options left again


       I don‘t want to be the one


       The battles always choose


       Cause inside I realize


       That I’m the one confused


       I don‘t know what's worth fighting for


       Or why I have to scream


       I don’t know why I instigate


       And say what I don‘t mean


       I don’t know how I got this way


       And never be alright


       So I’m breaking the habit


       I’m breaking the habit




       I'll paint it on the walls


       Cause I'm the one at fault


       I'll never fight again


       And this is how it ends


       I don't know what's worth fighting for


       Or why I have to scream


       But now I have some clarity


       To show you what I mean


       I don't know how I got this way


       I'll never be alright


       So I’m breaking the habit


       I’m breaking the habit


       I’m breaking the habit




       其实楼主自己在百度百科里面输入歌名就会有中音对照了~毕竟linkin park 也算是著名的摇滚金属乐团了~我也很喜欢~他们最近发了新专辑可以去试试~


       My December Faint Iridescent What i ’ve done The Catalyst Burning in the skies


quite inside 中文歌词

       Upon selection

       \"What is broken can be reforged!\"


       \"My hands are stained.\"

       \"So long I\'ve wandered...\"

       \"My spirit is not lost!\"

       \"How should I proceed?\"

       \"A sword mirrors its owner.\"

       \"Choose your own path.\"

       \"Learn from your mistakes.\"

       \"They\'ve crossed the line!\"

       \"The time for talk is over.\"

       \"What conflict awaits?\"

       \"To serve the greater good.\"

       \"Violence to end the violence.\"

       \"So much death...\"

       \"A necessary strike.\"

       \"For those who were lost.\"

       \"It must come to past.\"

       Upon using Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile

       \"I am awakened.\"

       \"There is no other way.\"

       \"They cannot go unpunished!\"

       \"The time for talk is over.\"

       \"I know my purpose.\"

       \"A moment of clarity.\"

       \"No more hesitation.\"

       \"Leave doubt behind.\"

       \"No looking back.\"


       \"A broken blade is more than enough for the likes of you!\"

       Taunt when using Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile

       \"You are beyond redemption!\"


       (Sighs) \"I knew I should have sprung for the blade warranty.\"

       Joke when using Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile

       \"This is why I spend so much time sheath shopping.\"







































       quiet inside 莫绯儿翻译

       I couldn?t make the colors match today 今天我搭配不好颜色

       I don?t know what else to say 不知道还有什么可以说

       Except I tried and they can?t say I didn?t 除了已经疲倦和他们不能说我没有

       I don?t like the stuff they?re feeding me 我不喜欢他们硬塞给我的那些玩艺

       They don?t like the things I see 他们不喜欢我看见的那些

       But I don?t think I need to be forgiven 但我不觉得需要被宽容。

       But I am quiet inside 但我内心宁静

       Though they drag me by a wire 尽管他们用线拽拉我

       Through the storm that cracks the sky 穿过撕裂天空的暴风雨

       I am quiet inside 我内心宁静

       I used to be so hard to find 我曾经艰难的寻找

       Rage and tears filled my eyes 严重填满了愤怒和泪水

       But I now I believe I see much clearer 但我现在相信我看的更清楚了

       My clarity did not come easily 我的彻悟来的并不容易

       My cell was knocked into me 自己曾经撞击自己

       But now at least I know who?s in the mirror但至少现在,我知道镜子里的是谁

       I am quiet inside 我内心宁静

       Though they drag me by a wire 尽管他们用线拽拉我

       Through the storm that cracks the sky 穿过撕裂天空的暴风雨

       I am quiet inside 我内心宁静
