a special gift_a special gift作文

       大家好,很高兴有机会和大家一起探讨a special gift的问题。我将用专业的态度回答每个问题,同时分享一些具体案例和实践经验,希望这能对大家有所启发。

1.求英语作文: a special gift to

2.a special gift to my friend

3.英语作文A special gift I got 60个字。。。。。。急啊,半小时之内给我答复!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4.a special gift 英语演讲稿100至150词(小学六年级)急需!急!急!急!请各位帮忙!

a special gift_a special gift作文

求英语作文: a special gift to

       a special gift to my father

        my father is the most important man in my life. i love my father. sometimes.i want to express my love to my father.but i have no idea to do it.

        when i glanced at the clothes shop .i found a clothe.and i like it.then i think it suits my father.so i decided to buy it.it is the first time to me to give the gift to my father.when i got home.i gave it to my father.my father was so exciting that i never saw before.

        in my opinion.i think it is a special gift to my father.just because it is the first time that he received my gift.and i loved my father.

a special gift to my friend


       对我来说最特别的礼物是一个黑色的时钟。我姑妈送我 12 岁的生日。此时钟是非常有用和美丽。它看起来像小和可爱的猪。我非常喜欢它。因为它可以让我拿起得很早,努力工作。它帮助我给了坏习惯---起床晚了。我非常感谢她。

       另一份礼物是一双鞋,我妈发送。我记得我妈妈给我买一个**的鞋十四岁的时候。但当我打开它,真的让我感到尴尬。因为老实说,我以为,**是真的很 ,因为我知道它会让我母亲高兴和英格兰记得有句谚语说: 它是重要的思想。所以我穿它每年夏天。每次我穿上它们,我记得我母亲的爱,和从那以后我很高兴。

英语作文A special gift I got 60个字。。。。。。急啊,半小时之内给我答复!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Tomorrow will be my friend's birthday . I want to give him a special gift.

       What should I give him? I wonder.

        My friend is now 15 years old. His can't hear very well. So he has few people to talk with. His father and mother are both too busy to talk with him. So I decide to stay with him for a day and talk with him. Maybe he can't hear my words well, but I will just listen to him and stay with him.

       I think this will surely be a special gift for him,

a special gift 英语演讲稿100至150词(小学六年级)急需!急!急!急!请各位帮忙!

       My birthday this year, I got a special gift from my friend. It is an ordinary notebook. However, on the first page of it were some words of my friend. It said, "My dear friend, this is for you to write down your bright future. I hope that I can read your bright future someday. Best wishes!" I was really impressed by this gift. And I believe that I will value it all through my life.

       I have got a special gift from my father in this year

       On friday moring.My father took me to the home of a rural school.There were 21 students in this school.Most of them were boys.The class was small and dark .And unfortunately.there were very poor.But all of the students were very hard and studied happily .Last year. AS the famous saying goes,"Pay is harvested". last year. there were two students are addmited to the university.

       So this is my father's birthday.祝学习进步!生活愉快!望采纳,谢谢!

       好了,关于“a special gift”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“a special gift”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的工作中更好地运用所学知识。