



3.翻译 多种开关怎么翻译 我会最大限度悬赏






       合纵 Vertical Integration, 连横 Unite


       合纵 Vertical Alliance, 连横 Horizontal Alliance


       合纵 Allies, 连横 Axis


       合纵 Vertical Linked, 连横 Horizontal Linked


       合纵 Union/Coalition

       我觉得合纵用Broad Alliance或Joint Coalition,有盟军之意,较能显示正义的意图,而连横用Axis of Collaboration/Axis of Power Collaboration,具有协作而非全体合作之意,也有一点Axis of Power和Axis of Evil之意。在第二次世界大战期间,英美法中苏联盟成Coalition Allies,而德日意的联盟被称为Axis。

       再经几番斟酌,以管理学的角度来做翻译,合纵用Constructive Alliance(建设性的联盟),连横用Destructive Collaboration(毁灭性的合作)。



       相反词 合纵

       解释 战国时秦国张仪所提倡的外交政策。目的在打破六国合纵政策,利诱六国分别与秦国亲善,然后再各个击破,达到统一天下的目的。战国策˙秦策一:约从连横,兵革不藏。亦作连衡。


       相反词 连横

       解释 战国时苏秦倡导联合六国共同抵抗秦国的政策。亦作合从。


       横向合并(Horizontal Integration)亦称水平式合并。生产和销售相同或相似产品、或经营相似业务、提供相同劳务的企业间的合并,如美国波音飞机制造公司与麦道飞机制造公司的合并,法国雷诺汽车制造公司与瑞曲伏尔汽车制造公司的合并,均属横向合并。


翻译 多种开关怎么翻译 我会最大限度悬赏


       (i) Knee and Column type

       1. 升降台式铣床


       (a) 水平的


       (b) 垂直的



       (d)turret type


       (ii)Production (Bed) type

       2. 生产(床身式)式(铣床)







       These machines are generally meant for regular production involving large batch sizes. The flexibility is relatively less in these machines which is suitable for productivity enhancement.


       (iii)Plano millers

       3. 龙门铣床

       These machines are used only for very large workpieces involving tables in meters.


       (iv)Special type

       4. 特殊类型

       (a)Rotary table


       (b)Drum type


       (c) Copy milling (Die sinking machine)


       (d)Key way milling machines


       (e)Spline shaft milling machines


       These machines provide special facilities to suit specific applications that are not catered to by the other classes of milling machines. 这些铣床提供了特殊的设备,以适应其他种类铣床不能迎合的特定应用。

       7.2.1 Knee and Column Milling Machines


       The knee and column type is the most commonly used machine in view of its flexibility and easier setup. 升降台式铣床是最常用的铣床,因为它灵活而较易调定。其一种典型的铣床结构示于图7.2A typical machine construction is shown in Fig.7.2 for the horizontal axis. 其一种典型的、用于水平轴线的铣床结构示于图7.2 The knee houses the feed mechanism and mounts the saddle and table. 升降台包藏进给机构,并安装滑板和工作台。The table basically has the T-slots running along the X-axis for the purpose of work holding. 工作台基本上有沿X轴线行进的T形槽,用于工件保持的目的。The table moves along the X-axis on the saddle while the saddle moves along the Y-axis on the guide ways provided on the knee. 工作台沿着X轴线在滑板上移动,同时滑板沿Y轴线在升降台上提供的导轨移动。The feed is provided either manually with a hand wheel or connected for automatic by the lead screw, which in turn is coupled to the main spindle drive. 进给可以用手手动进行,也可用丝杆连接而自动进行。The knee can move up and down (Z-axis) on a dovetail provided on the column. 升降台可以在机柱提供的燕尾导轨上向上或向下移动(Z轴)。The massive column at the back of the machine houses all the power train including the motor and the spindle gearbox. The power for feeding the table lead screw is taken from the main motor through a separate feed gearbox. Sometimes a separate feed motor is provided for the feed gearbox as well. 在铣床后面的大质量机柱包藏所有的动力传动系,包括电机和主轴齿轮箱。进给工作台丝杆的动力通过一个分开的进给齿轮箱取自于主电机。有时也为进给齿轮箱配备独立的进给电机。

       While the longitudinal and traverse motions are provided with automatic motion, the raising of the knee is generally made manually.


       1. SLIDE ---滑动开关(也叫:“拨动开关”,这你已经知道的)

       2. Push Slide Switch ---推动开关

       3. MICOR --- 微动开关

       4. REED --- 磁簧开关

       5. ROCKER(W/O LIGHT) --- 摇臂开关

       6. SIDE KNOB --- 横柄滑动开关 (通常也写成:“Side Knob(Horizontal) Switch ”)

       7. PUSH BUTTON --- 按钮开关

       8. QUICK ACTION --- 速动开关(也有叫:“快速闭合开关”)

       9. TIMER --- 定时开关

       10 BOTTOM KNOB --- 底柄开关

       11 TACT --- 滑动开关

       12 ROTARY --- 波段开关 (也有称为:旋转开关)

       13 ROCKER(W LIGHT) --- 翘板开关 (也称为:上下摇动开关)

       adv. freely

       misc. vertically and horizontally ; in length andbreadth ; with great ease


       (竖和横) in length and breadth; vertically and horizontally:

       a crisscross network of railways


       (奔放自如) with great ease; freely:

       write with great ease



       纵横比 {物} aspect ratio;

       纵横变换器 crossbar transformer;

       纵横尺寸比 asperratio;

       纵横奇偶监督码 horizontal and vertical parity check code;

       纵横接线器 crossbar switch;
