


2.its a mind blower 中文如何翻译

3.求the blower's daughte的中文大意,要最完美的版本

4.高分英译中 (4)







       Head Light。根本就是直译,就是把“头”和“灯”二个名词凑在一起,前面的名词当作形容词,简单明了,学过一次就不会忘记!


       Grille。这个字也很好记,不过拼法千万要正确,最后的那个"e″千万别忘了,否则就变成了“烧烤”的意思了!如果要讲“镀铬水箱护罩”,那就是Chrome Grille。


       Fog Light。和头灯一样,就是把雾(Fog)和灯(Light)凑在一起就行了,英文里这类的用法非常多,像是红绿灯就是Traffic Light。车流就是Traffic Flow。您可千万别问我“碗公雾灯”怎么说,英文里恐怕是没有“碗公”这个字的,如果一定要说,合理的说法可能是Over-Sized Fog Light-尺码超大的雾灯!


       Bumper。这个字是从Bump-凸起加上"er″字尾所演化而来的,因为保险杆就是车头、车尾的凸出物,装设保险杆的目的就是用来抵挡轻微的碰撞、以保护车身的。如果把Bump加"y″变成Bumpy,那意思就变成了“颠簸”,It is indeed a bumpy road-这条路真是够颠簸的!


       Air Intake。从前,引擎的进气口大多设置于水箱护罩,因为以前的汽车不太讲究空气力学,因此车子方方正正的,车头也高、水箱护罩也大,再加上以前都是后轮驱动车,引擎直列摆设,散热风扇由曲轴直接带动,正对着水箱护罩、直接吸进空气散热效果最好。











       Engine Bay。Bay原本的意思是“海湾”、或是“三面环抱的地形”,用来放置引擎的地方,大概也是因为被左右二片叶子板和后方的防火墙所三面环抱,所以叫做Engine Bay吧!




       要说“Cabin-客舱”也行、要说“Passenger Room-乘客室”亦无不可。


       Sun Roof也可、Moon Roof也可。一般均以Sun Roof来称呼较多。Moon Roof则是专指“玻璃天窗”,提醒读友们,要买天窗,一定要买玻璃天窗,实用性才高,特别是阴雨天,多透一些光线进来,心情会好得多!


       Air Dam。气坝就是前扰流,将前保险杆往下方扩大,形成一个阻挡气流的气坝,如此可以尽量让进入车底减少,避免车底气流过多、造成上扬力、造成后轮抓地力减弱。


       Side Skirt。功效也是等同于气坝,用来减少车体二侧的气流进入车底。


       Spoiler。Spoil是动词,它的原意是“破坏”、“宠坏”。A Spoiled Child意思就是“被宠坏的孩子”,讲到这里,顺便提一个有趣的瞎掰。有人说“保时捷-PORSCHE”是什么意思呢?PORSCHE就是“Proof Of Rich Spoiled Child Have Everything-有钱又被宠坏的孩子什么都有之最佳明证”!





       Tail Light。又是一个把二个名词凑在一起的例子。


       PDC。Parking Distance Control的缩写,其实汽车有愈来愈多的电子配备功能相同,但各家赋予的名字或缩写却不尽相同。通常,最后能通行的说法,如果不是最早推出的、就是最成功、最能让消费者感到印象深刻的。





       Instrument Panel。把多种仪表放置在一起、方便信息的取读,这个许多仪表聚集在一起的地方,就是所谓的仪表板-InstrumentPanel。







       Cooling Water Temperature Gauge。一般都省略Cooling一字而直接称Water Temperature Gauge。Gauge也是"表″的意思,和Meter一样。



       Oil Pressure Gauge。这也是一个很重要的仪表,引擎能否正常运转,机油是第一道防线,因为机油除了负责引擎各零组件的润滑外,直接第一时间地将引擎因燃烧、摩擦而产生的热量带走。所谓的机油压力,乃是表示机油从油底壳被机油帮浦抽起来之后、送往汽缸头的压力。机油压力偏低或过高,都可能表示流动机油的量不够,那就会导致润滑与散热不良,引擎早晚要出问题,因此,有机油压力表,可以更进一步地帮助车主了解车况。


       Oil Temperature Gauge。更讲究的车子,还会装上机油温度表,像是冷却工作非常仰赖机油的性能跑车:保时捷911,就备有机油温度表,这对于判断车况也有帮助。


       Turbo Boost Pressure Gauge。理论上,涡轮增压当然压力愈大、愈能增加引擎的马力/扭力输出,但受限于引擎材质和设计、以及增压所产生的额外热量散热问题,每一辆涡轮增压车都有其增压限制,这时候,如果车上有个压力计,也可以帮助驾驶人了解涡轮增压器作用的状况。


       Fuel Gauge。这就是大家通称的"油表″,用来显示燃油的存量,从仪表的分类上来说,油量计属于“液位显示器”,因为它的工作原理,就是在油箱里装置一个浮筒,随着燃油的减少、浮在燃油液面上的浮筒也会跟着下降、带动油量计的指针显示燃油存量。明白油量计的工作原理之后。您当可恍然大悟,为何有的"油表″前半段指针移动很慢、过了1/2之后就下降飞快,总之,很少"油表″指针的移动是线性的;那是因为浮筒只能显示液位,然而油箱的形状却不是规则的四方形,为了配合后座椅下方、或是行李厢尾端的结构,油箱通常的形状是上半部多少还能维持四方形,到了下半部,就不得不"萎缩″成三角状,因此到了下半部,其实体积比起上半部几乎小了有一半之多,这也就解释了为何"油表″指针过半之后会飞快下降了!


       Indicator。举凡灯泡故障、车门没关、电瓶异常、气囊作动异常、煞车来令片过薄、喷油嘴肮脏等等的车况警示,都会以警示灯号的方式在仪表板上显示,这些警示灯号统统都叫做Indicator,不过,Indicator在英文里的另一个通常用法就是“方向灯”,因此,为了区别起见,上述的各种警示灯号,也常用另一种说法:Warning Light来取代。






       Climate Control。Clinamte的原意是“气候”,可以控制车内的气候,那不就是"恒温空调"吗?






its a mind blower 中文如何翻译

       ◆ blower (air blower) is the use of fans to convert wind energy to mechanical energy by wind turbines to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, and then charge the battery through the controller, through the power inverter on the load;

       ◆ PV (photovoltaic module) using the photovoltaic effect of solar panels to convert light energy into electrical energy, then the battery charge, through the inverter to convert DC to AC power to the load;

       ◆ controller (controller) according to sunlight intensity, wind speed and load changes, and constantly work on the battery switch and adjust status, while the adjusted energy directly to DC or AC load. On the other hand the excess power sent to the battery storage. When the power output can not meet the required load, the controller to battery power sent to the load, ensuring the continuity and stability of the system work;

       ◆ Inverter (inverter) is responsible for the direct current into alternating current, AC load equipment to ensure the normal use. It also features automatic voltage regulator can improve the landscape quality of hybrid power supply system;

       ◆ batteries (storage batteries) in the system while the energy to play the role of regulation and load balancing the two. It will wind power systems and photovoltaic power generation system output into chemical energy stored in order to prepare enough power to use.

       Landscape (electric) hybrid power system based on wind and solar radiation changes, you can run in the following three modes: wind turbine power to the load alone; photovoltaic power generation system to load a separate power supply; wind turbines and photovoltaic power generation system Joint power to the load. Landscape (electric) hybrid power generation than wind power or solar power alone has the following advantages:

       ◆ use of wind energy, solar energy complementarity, it can get stable output, the system has high stability and reliability;

       ◆ In case of power supply to ensure the same, can greatly reduce the storage capacity of the battery;

       ◆ through the rational design and matching, you can basically scenery (electric) hybrid power generation system supply, access to better social and economic benefits.

       Inverter Features

       ◆ Application of High Frequency PWM Inverter Technology

       ◆ Fully automatic operation without manual intervention

       ◆ inverter, high efficiency, conversion efficiency greater than 93% in nominal operating conditions

       ◆ stability of fast-tracking the maximum power output point solar

       ◆ sinusoidal current into the grid, harmonic content is low, power factor greater than 0.99

       ◆ do not need to feed to the grid, and no harmonic pollution, does not affect the quality of power supply

       ◆ device internal protection measures to improve the quality stable and reliable

       ◆ by computer communication, for remote data collection and monitoring

求the blower's daughte的中文大意,要最完美的版本

       1。The concert was magnificent. Its a mind blower: 音乐会华丽至极。真是太棒了!

       2。He deviced a scheme to trick us. Its a mind blower: 他太狡猾拉,搞诡计来骗我们。实在难以置信(太难受了)。


高分英译中 (4)

       And so it is 所以就这样了

       Just like you said it would be 就像你说过将会发生的那样

       Life goes easy on me 生活对我很宽容

       Most of the time 多数的时候

       And so it is 那就这样了

       The shorter story 这个短短的故事

       No love, no glory 没有爱 没有荣耀

       No hero in her sky 没有英雄出现在她的天空

       I cant take my eyes off of you 我却不能将目光从你身上收回

       I cant take my eyes ...不能把视线移开...

       And so it is 所以就这样了

       Just like you said it should be 就像你说过应该发生的那样

       We'll both forget the breeze我们都将忘记那微风

       Most of the time 多数的时候

       And so it is 那就那样吧

       The colder water 那更冰冻的水

       The blowers daughter 那blower家的女儿

       The pupil in denial 那拒绝的瞳孔

       I cant take my eyes off of you 我不能把视线抽离你

       I cant take my eyes...我不能把眼光带走

       Did I say that I loathe you? 我说了我不喜欢你吗?

       Did I say that I want to 我说了我想要这样吗?

       Leave it all behind? 把所有一切都放下吗?

       I can't take my mind off of you我不能把你驱赶出我心神

       I can't take my mind off you我无法让你走出我的思绪

       I can't take my mind off of you我不能转移对你的注意力

       I can't take my mind off you我无法将你抽离我心神

       I can't take my mind off you我无法将你抽离我心神

       I can't take my mind... 我无法转移我的思绪….

       My mind... 我的思绪…我的思绪…

       Till I find somebody new 直到我再遇到某人


       Over time, particles rejected by the sieving action of the membranes build up on the outside of each fiber.一段时间后,拒绝了颗粒膜的筛分作用,建立对外界每个纤维. As a result, the resistance to flow increases until a backwash is performed.由于流动阻力增加,直到冲洗演出. The backwash is the principle sequence used to remove the build up of solids and reduce the transmembrane pressure.冲洗的顺序原则是用来消除和减少固体建立跨膜压力. A backwash can either be initiated after a pre-set period of time or when the change in resistance to flow exceeds a pre-set limit, or when the increase in transmembrane pressure reaches a pre-determined set point.冲洗后可将发起一项先决限期改正或者当流程改变的阻力超出了预设、当压力增加或跨膜达到预设集点. The backwash sequence includes the following steps:冲洗的顺序包括下列步骤:

       Filter to backwash level –During this step, the compressed air at 30 psi (200 kPa) is introduced into the shell side to drive the filtration and lower the shell side feed water level.冲洗过滤层在这一步,压缩空气30防扩散(200千帕)引入壳牌驱动的过滤和方方下空壳饲料水位. This is carried out to minimize water losses and increase the system recovery.这是进行,以减少水的损失,增加回收体系.

       Aeration and liquid backwash – Low pressure air enters the shell side to provide air scouring to remove solids from the membrane fibers.冲洗液、充气低压空气进入壳牌方提供空中冲刷清除的固体纤维膜. The flow meter on the discharge of the blower is used to monitor the backwash air scour flow.该流量计对流量的鼓风机用于监测空气冲刷流冲洗. Compressed air, regulated to 30 psi (200 kPa), pushes the filtrate in the lumen side to the shell side of the array.压缩空气,30防扩散规范(200千帕)把滤液在管腔侧方壳牌阵列.

       Post aeration – Air scouring continues after the liquid backwash ends.邮曝气空冲洗液结束后,继续冲刷. The lumen side is maintained pressurized with the compressed air.管腔方保持压力与压缩空气.

       Shell draindown – The top shell side of the array is vented, while the lower backwash discharge valve is opened.壳牌draindown-顶壳侧阵列是宣泄而下冲洗排放阀打开. The backwash waste drains under the influence of gravity out of the array.冲洗排水管的垃圾重力影响下走出了阵.

       Fill shell – Feed enters the shell side via lower feed manifold and exit the unit via top backwash discharge valves.填补壳壳方经由饲料进入和退出低饲料组经多重顶冲洗阀门卸货.

       Fill lumen – Feed continues to enter the shell side via lower feed manifold, however, top backwash discharge valve is closed and filtrate exhaust valve is opened.填腔馈入壳方继续通过降低饲料流,但顶冲洗阀门关闭和滤液尾气排放阀打开. The previous three steps incorporate the level switches to determine the durations.前三个步骤包括一级开关时间确定.

       Clean-In-Place (CIP) / Maintenance Wash (MW)干净会同地方(力)/洗涤保养(兆瓦)

       The Clean-In-Place sequence is used to maintain long-term membrane performance.清洁会同地方顺序是用来维持长期膜表现. The CIP is initiated based either on transmembrane pressure (TMP), membrane permiability, volume filtered (throughput) or time.无论是在基础竞争力倡导跨膜压(川芎嗪)、膜渗、过滤量(吞吐量)或时间. Under normal operating conditions, the CIP will be initiated based on time elapsed.在正常操作的情况下,竞争力将基于启动时间过去了. The method of initiation can be modified by the operator through the master PLC or the local optional HMI.方法可以修改启动操作通过人机界面掌握PLC的还是当地择. The CIP sequence is similar to that of the Maintenance Wash with longer recirculation and soaks sequences.力顺序是相似,维修和再循环洗净浸泡较长序列. The maintenance washing is used to increase the time between Clean-In-Place events.洗涤保养时间是用来提高清洁会同地方盛事.
